

*Katie smiled at Jason as he gave her a hug. His warm arms were always nice and felt welcomed. Still the strange feeling loomed that something was wrong. That feeling, just the look on Jason face, and something about his emotions inside sent up red flags that there was a problem that was going untold. But once again like the other days that passed the conversation changed before Katie could bring attention to it and the question got lost in the fog once again.

As Scott draws closer to the bed Katie smiles up at him and for a brief moment locks eyes with his. Her heart gives a sudden jump as her mind starts to cut away some fog as if trying to remember something. Searching his eyes Katie trys to let her mind go so it can find what it was looking for. The answer was on the tip ready to break free but Jen's question interrupts Katie's though process and like a scared animal the answer retreats into the dark fog. Breaking her gaze from Scott she looks at Jen and than back to him with a smile.*

"You're own office huh? Well that's pretty neat. Once I get out of here I am going to have to come and take a look at it. I bet its great and don't you worry before you know it I will be back to work and you wont be able to get ride of me again. I have made a promise to try my best to stay out of the hospital for a little while and stop giving people heart attacks."

*Katie hold her smile but yet a look looms behind her eyes. She felt a little strange and a bit depressed she couldn't remember any of this on her own. A life time had passed her by and she was sure most of it was good and she couldn't remember any of it. Once again Katie turns back to Jason at the new of TJY being in he open. It felt good to her to know they didn't have to hide anymore. That if something was to go wrong it would be ok and they could get help. As Katie opens her mouth to say something she suddenly stop seeing the shadow from the door way spread across the floor. Katie did not even have to look up to know who it was, but turning to the door and watching Con enter her smile becomes even bigger.*

"Big brother your always welcomed to one of my party's. I need someone to be the bouncer for when everyone gets a sugar high from to much Mountain Dew."

*Katie can't help but let out a small laugh as she reaches over to give Con a hug.*

"I'm holding up pretty well. With any luck I will be able to go home before dinner tonight and its a good thing, Seems like I got a big tank trying to sabotage me back at work."

*Katie sticks her toung out at Con.*

"All in all though I'll just be happy to go home. I hate hospitals after all. How are things with you Con?"

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