
Hit and Run

*Katie can see the pain on Scott's face. The tears in his eyes just showed it even more. Katie's heart we out to him and she hated herself for causing him so much pain. Receving his kiss Katie kiss back, knowing all to well this would be the last. She wanted to reach out and grab him, stop him from walking away and say she was joking but she couldent. She new it would only cause more pain and she dident want that to happen to Scott. She could only wish now that he would be ok.

Katie eyes follow Scott as he walks outside the tears finally falling from her face. Softly she speaks.*

"And the Hero must let go of it all, everything close to them that they love in order for them to be free and so the Hero is destined to walk alone "

*Katie sits for a while longer stairing down at her food. She wasent hungry anymore and she just dident feel good. Her head hurt, she felt tired and her heart acked. Her finger felt nakked too.

Finally standing Katie gives a shake of her head and exits the restront as a crash of thunder sounds and lighting strikes. The weather matches the mood and happings of tonight. Katie roundes the couner to the back. Her car was parked across the street. Starting across the street Katie keeps her head down till the sound of tired squealing can be hurd. Looking up she see a car coming at her head on there was no time to move no time to react. The car hit her with suck impart she remembered the pain, and flying through the air. Than...everything went blank.

Katie's lifeless body lays on the ground blood pooling from her mouth, her face scratched up and bleeding, Gashs making pools of blood as well. Her arm bent so strange it would make one cringe. Her breathing shallow as the car speads away. Raindrops start to fall hiting Katie's mangled face as if to wake her, but fails. Laying unmoving.*

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