

*As Katie sits wrapped in Scott's arms she watches the sun start to set. She was much more relaxed now and it seemed for the moment everything had returned to normal.

Pulling away from Scott alittle bit Katie looks up into his eyes. She new he wasent sure what was going on and he was probley a bit confused but how was she to explain it when her and Jason wasent even sure. Kaite only hope that Scott would bear with her through it all and in time everything would unfold before there eyes.

Leaning up Katie gives Scott a soft kiss bring her hand to his face.*

"Yes Scott, you can take me home."

*Misty lays in bed listing to the soft cherp of Romino and Juliet on in there cage. It was almost like a song. A million thoughts going through her mind. Misty wanted to call Carson to make sure he was ok but something held her back. She wasent sure what or why, but it caused her to not reach out and grab the phone. Was everything Carson had told her the truth? Misty curses herself for not believing Carson.

A ring of the door bell sends Misty flying up in bed turning her lights on. Taking note it was one oclock. Thinking it might be Carson Misty goes to the front door. Opening it and seeing her brothe standing on the front pourch her blood runs cold.

As Frankie hears the door open he turns back around His eyes as cold as steel a
malevolent grin on his face.*

"Hey Sis."

*Placeing his hand on the door Frankie forces it open as Misty takes a few steps backwards She had no where to go she was traped. once inside Frankie shuts the door locking out the word behind him.*

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