

*Looking up at Jason Katie gives a small smile look apon on Jason's face something new stirs inside her. A friend, a best friend is what she see looking at Jason. His eyes holding the care, and comfort but as a friend and for the first time Katie was ok with that. She dident feel sad, or upset. She felt at peace with being best friends. That was enough for her, and eyes looking back at Jason portryed themself, that a friend was what she had, and what she wanted. Katie smiles another smile. Speaking softly.*

"Between you and him, I dont think I even have to worry. You both take good care of me. Thank you again J."

*Slowly standing Katie just leans on Jason for a moment sterdying herself as the blood rushes back to her sleeping legs. Finally feeling she can walk again on her own she stands up straght slowly making her way to where Scott was siting. Slowly siting down next to him Katie takes Scott's arm and puts it around her shoulders leaning her head on him.*

"Hold me Scott."

*Katie says nothing more for the moment. She had felt the comfort of her friend and the understanding. She had felt the healing touch of her friend. Now she just wanted to feel the comfort of her love and let his love heal the brokeness she felt. Thats all Katie wanted.*

*After Carson drops Misty off she goes inside puting her bag with her left over in the fridge still in the plastic bag. After feeding and leting Romieo and Juliet out to play for alittle bit Misty sits done and pops in a movie.

An hour and a half later the credits on her movie roll as she stomach lets our a loud growle. Relizing she is hundy Misty heads to the kitchen for left overs. Pulling out the back and taking out the container, Misty relized Carson food was in there as well. A smile spreads across Misty's face as she reaches for her coat. I bet right about now Carson was hungry himself. How nice would it be for her to show up with his food for him.

Arriving at TJY Misty heads inside and makes her way for Carson's cubcil. Drawing closer Misty can tell all the lights are off and no one was there. Strange but maybe Carson had decided to call it a night already. Heading out again Misty heads to Carson's place. It takes no time at all to get there and Misty is well on her way up stairs. Knocking on the door and waiting she gets no answer. Glancing down at her watch she takes note its 11:30. Its strange Carson wouldent be answering the door he probley wouldent be sleeping yet.

Taking the key from her pocket Carson had given her she unlocks the door and steps in flicking the lights on. The apartment was silence no form of life. Checking each room and not seeing Carson Misty gives alittle shrug as she gets the worryed feeling in her stomach again. Giving a sigh she trys to shakes the feeling. This was redickulace, Carson was probley out at the store, doing laundry or anything she HAD to trust him. Puting the food in his fridge Misty grabs a peace of paper joting down a note.*

Hey Babe,
After geting home and watching a movie I relized I took your left over food home with me. I wanted to saprise you and bring it to ya at TJY but when I got there you wernt. So I figured you came home already. Geting here and finding you not I just let myself in with the key you gave me figuring you were out with friends, or running to the store. So I left your food in the fridge, and this not on you door duh! Well all is well and I'll see ya tomarrow at work. *hugs*


*Misty exits the apartment and locks the door behind her taping the note to the door. Heading down the steps and making her way home once again.*

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