

*Aerith looks up at Wyatt as his hand touches her face. A chill like nothing she ever felt running down her spine. A flutter in her stomach told her not to be scaired, her heart screaming to be cared for and decieding this man in front of her was the one.

Seeing the light and the sparkel in Wyatt's eyes Aerith pushed up to her on her knees again and level with Wyatt. Her own eyes braught with life. Aerith had never dont anything like this before but something, some unknown force was pulling her, driving her, leting her know this was ok. Taking her hand Aerith brushes a bit of hair from Wyatt forhead and runs her hand down the side of his face stoping at his jawlin and leting her hand linger.*

"Than we will always know and remember we had today."

*Aerith looking into Wyatts eyes almost geting lost in the light, the emotion, the hope. His eyes depth going on forever. Aerith can feel the heat and color come to her cheeks as they turn red, But she dosent turn away, her eyes stay looked on Wyatt's.*

*Katie cant help but giggle calling back to her uncle.*

"I know I know, I did grow up on the ranch you know."

*Katie turns and makes a funny face a joking look in her eyes.*

"Ok ok ok, I'll leave you in Jeff's hands while I get my horse ready."

*Turning back to Jeff Katie smiles.*

"Put him on Crimson. I think that would be a good match for him. I'll get Rocket."

*Giving a kiss to Scott on the cheek Katie smiles,*

"Thank you Scott. I know you will love this."

*Turning Katie heads to the barn. Entering she makes her way to the very far stall. An elagent Pinto sakes its head and moves a bit with excitment as Katie draws near. Opening the stall Katie slips in running her hand along the horses neck and talking softly to her.*

"Hey Rocket. Did you miss me, went to get some fresh air and strech those legs?"

*Taking a bridle from the hook Katie puts it on Rocket and leads her out of the stall and the barn geting her ready to ride, but also keeping an eye on Jeff and Scott. Katie new he was nervouse, but he was still cute. It was hard to take her eyes off him.*

*Wendy is taken back for a moment by Clint's angry words. She new he wasent upset at her, and in a way she could understand what was going, but on the other hand Clint was geting a chanse many people dident get.*

"Clint, weather your parents lied to you or not your brother is alive. They were trying to protect him from the agency just like they tryed when they dident tell you Jim was your dad. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying this is easy cuz I am sure its not. But you have been given a chanse that not many people get. Your brother you thought was dead is now alive, you have a chanse for one day to get to know him. After that he might be gone again, and you might never have this chanse again. Do you really want that to pass you by? Do you really want your dad to maybe go off to jail knowing his son both of them were mad at him? Knowing the last time he saw you, you hated him all over again?"

*Wendy lets out a sigh.*

"I dont think I would. But thats just me."

*Wes smiles at Jason saying nothing more about the subject but letting it lay for now. When they all got back to the house Wes would show Jason one more thing that was for him, but for now the subject was over and Wes dident want to press his luck.

Bending down next to the bike again Wes reaches out and pulls the sparkplugs off. Looking them over for a long moment.*

"Mmm....it looks like they are eroaded alittle bit but nothing to much to stop the bike from working altogether. Wouldent hurt to have them changed. I think I have an extra page in with my other parts. Let me go grab them so we can check it out."

*Wes stands and heads out into the back room rummaging for the plugs and than heads back to Jason with them in hand.*

"Found them."

*Wes heads back over and continues to fiddle around on the bike with Jason for a while longer.*

*Rosetta enjoys the ride with Mick. Being with him again was nice, and riding with him was even better. Glancing over at him Rosetta can see the hesatence on his face. Mick had something on his mind. Slowing down the pace of the horse Rostta walks slowly along side Mick.*

"Penny for your thoughts?"

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