
Right about now

Eli keeps his grip on the chain, not letting Roth go, even when he heard the hoarse response. He was so angry. He'd nearly gotten sick after receiving the call that Ryan was in the hospital. He'd beaten himself up over and over for not spending more time with her, calling her, or just being there for her. He'd thought he would lose his sister. And it was all because of this man right here. This man who was almost completely choked out of air, who would pass out any moment. Eli was in control, and it would be so easy to-

Ryan's words yank him from his angry fog, suddenly making him realize just how close he was doing something he'd regret for the rest of his life. He had no right to kill anyone, no matter how angry he was. Roth was finished. It was over.

Eli slowly releases the chain, letting it slide loose and off Roth's neck. Giving the man a slight shove as a final statement, he takes a step back and looks down at the chain in his hand. Still breathing heavily, he grits his teeth, then lets the chain fall to the ground.

Glancing back to his sister, he just looks at her for a moment before pulling her into a hug. He was a bloody mess, but it didn't seem to matter. He was sorry she had to take the brunt of Roth's ire, and he was sorry that she was here to witness what he'd just done too. His scent is one of leather and car oil as he hugs her close then draws back to see her face again. "I'm sorry. You okay?"

Leo watches the crowd's reaction to Roth's loss, and it's obvious that many are now having second thoughts about the man who had been in control. He saw men scoff and turn away. He saw women take a returning glance at the guys whom they had left to follow Roth. And he saw Roth, beaten at his own game. Leo couldn't deny that it felt good. Had he not had better sense, he would have taken a shot at Roth himself just for the fun of it. But it looked like the bully had had enough.

Just standing back, Leo folds his arms and watches Eli and Ryan. Brother and sister had something special, even though they'd been years apart.

Kip gives a little scoffing laugh and slides off the couch to sit on the floor as he takes the controller. "As if I could beat anybody. I love to play this game just because it gave everybody else a good laugh."

Still grinning, the game began. Laughing, chatting, and laughing some more, Kip didn't realize how quickly the time was slipping by. Several games, a glass of flat pop, and an even score later, Kip leans back against the couch having just lost a level by falling off a cliff. "I'll never get it!" he wails, giving Karla a stupid grin. Glancing to Rin, he holds out the controller. "Hey, Rin, you want a shot? I think you could do better than I could right about now."

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