
My butt

Continuing to watch on Ryan wanted to help her brother. It was in her blood to defend and come to the aid of those in trouble like this. But it was a lost cause to even try. She was still hurt herself and if Roth's goons saw someone else step in it might just make it worse. Her father always told her to pick her battled wisely and there was nothing cowardly about stepping back when you new you couldn't win. So continuing to hold on to Leo's hand was all she could do as her grip tightened a little with every blow her brother took.

Still laughing thinking he had the upper hand Roth was surprised when his feet came out from underneath him. Hitting the ground hard his laughter stoped and a growl came from his throat as his eyes blazed as if they were on fire.

"Why you little...."

Starting to stand again but his words were quickly cut off as the fist meeting his ribs. The loud crack sounded it felt like he had been hit by a truck. Doubling over pain shot through Roth like something he had never felt before. As he started to spit up blood. Not having time to catch his breath or even think about the pain another first comes to his jaw and than his face the pain shooting through his hole body. He had under estimated Eli and now he was paying.

Feeling the cold steel links going around his neck Roth trys to scramble to get the upper hand once again but it was to late. Falling to his knees he could feel the air being sucked out of his lungs as the chain became tighter and tighter. Bringing his hands up to it, to try and pry himself free it was no use Eli had him, the battle was over, and he had lost.

Continuing to watch, Ryan didn't know what to do with every hit to her brother she felt the pain. But as things start to turn around and Ryan see the chain comes into play giving her brother the upper hand she perks up. Some would say it was fighting dirty, or not fair what Eli did but if he hadnt Roth would have.

Not being able to help the small cheers Ryan looks to Leo before looking back to the fight. Fighting was wrong and she didn't agree but her brother was trying to defend her honor and for that she could not hold it against him. Still standing with her one hand in Leo, and her other crossed over her Ryan looks Roth dead in the eye as they become glazed from the loss of air.

Feeling the air slip from him slowly, and having his head jerked up to look at Ryan, Roth couldn't glair, he could hardly talk though her could manage just a few raspy words.

"Yeah....I got it."

Roth's breaths were raspy and shallow his eyes slowly starting to roll back in his head as his friends stared on as Eli hesitated to let go.

"Come on man, let him go."

"He said he wouldn't touch your sister again let him free."

Seeing her brother hesitate to let Roth free Ryan could see in her brothers eyes the anger and adrenaline that was in him. It was possable that it was so strong it was blinding even him of good heart to what he was doing.

Letting go of Leo's hand and taking only a few steps forward Ryan wasn't scared now. Everything would be ok, and if anyone was stupid enough to mess with her now that would be there own fault. Laying a hand on Eli's arm Ryan talks softly. The last thing she wanted was to lose her brother when she just got him back.

"Eli, its ok now. Let him go before you kill him. I don't want to lose you."

Grabbing her own glass of water Karla comes back into the living room setting the glass on the floor next to the couch. Going over to the tv and flipping it on Karal has to bang on the top a few times to get it work till finally this pictures comes on. Turning on the game system and unwrapping both the controllers she hands one to Kip.

"Ok, its been a long time since I played this too, so dont know my butt to bad ok?"

A grin formed on Karla's face and a small sparkle in her eyes as she relaxed a little getting use to Kip being here and seeing he wasnt going anywhere else. They had only been here a few moments but already Karla liked having someone to talk with. Even if they didn't talk just the feeling ok knowing someone was there was nice.

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