

Sitting down on the side of the bed a big smile on her face Alice looks around at the big room. It felt like way to much room for just her. If anything this room alone was as big as her apartment.

"You see where we are right? How could I not be having fun. I do have to admit I am still in shock over this all. So much in face I feel tired but cant sleep."

Flopping backwards on the bed resting on her elbow Alice looks Kyle in the face and gives a big smile. Sometimes things had been rough, and there were times when things didnt look so bright but doing this with Kyle was the best thing and Alice enjoyed being by his side. Leaning in Alice places a soft kiss on Kyle's lips pulling away and smiling.

"Thank you Kyle, for letting me a part of this."

Taking another sip of water a few hours later there time at the restraint was coming to an end. They hadnt been kicked out but they were starting to get dirty looks and though Dan didnt want to go thought he was having way to much fun.

Throwing the money and tip for here meal onto the table Dan leads Jade out of the restraint and back to his truck. Hopping in the driver side Dan looks over to Jade and gives a smile.

"Well, I guess I dont need a movie after all. By time we get back it will be chores, than dinner. But its ok lunch was better than a movie. Thank you."

Picking up her cell and seeing Scott's number Hope's lips turn into a smile as she puts her paper work down for now a moment. It was always good to hear from Scott and she new his trip back might be rough. She was glad he called.

"Hey there you!"

Standing Hope walks out onto her front pouch to take in a breath of the afternoon air.

"How did everything go? Good I hope. Do you know when your flight will be back in Nevada I"m gonna meet you there and pick you up."

Once Gunner was asleep Bree just moved a little to let him slide next to her more comfortable. Just looking through the book a little more Bree found the stars intresting. Finally putting the book away herself though Bree leans back on the coutch and before she new it, she was out like a light.

Sitting up just a little and looks up at her brother Ryan smiles. She had wondered where he ran off to but wasn't worried knowing he could take care of himself. Getting a whif of the food Ryan's stomach growls and she cant help the little bit of color that came to her face.

"Guess I am a little hungry huh? How are you feeling?"

Sitting up on the couch a little bit so Leo had a little more room to move or anything if need be he could. Clearing off the coffee table as well to make room for everything.

"So what have you been up to all afternoon Eli? I am sure ordering chinese food didnt take that long!"

Ryan's comment was laced with a little bit of humor as her eyes gave a twinkle from Leo's presence.

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