

Gunner was so warm and comfortable... much more relaxed than he'd been in weeks. Maybe he'd just close his eyes... for just... a moment...

He'd just drifted off when he suddenly felt an odd sensation to the bottom of his feet. Jerking awake, he moves his legs, only to find that Bree had a hold of him and was tickling him.

"Ahh! You... Bree!"

JT nonchalantly looks over from the chair, as if he were unamused, except for the little smile at the corner of his mouth. He just continues watching the movie.

Gunner shakes his legs until he can get loose. Shoving Bree back off onto the floor, his legs go over her shoulders and wrap around her neck. Hooking his ankles together, he holds her there, not letting her go. Leaning back, he just relaxes his upper body, putting his hands back behind his head, while letting his legs hold Bree prisoner.

A shiver runs down Jade's spine as she continues to look into Dan's eyes, then feels his hand on her face. It was rough but warm, feeling of hard work under honesty.

Jade swallows hard, leaning in a little closer. Closing her eyes, she could feel Dan's breath on her face and another tingle spreads through her. Why her hands trembled slightly, she didn't know. "You realize... this is... dangerous," she whispers.

Leo isn't sure if he's going to get reprimanded further or not, so when Ryan moves closer and he feels her lips on his, it gives him a start. He opens his eyes a little in surprise, though is unable to pull away. But even though his pride warned him not to let her kiss him like this, something else took over... something he just couldn't seem to control. He'd missed her... and even though he'd been stubborn, he'd wanted her back since the beginning of their whole breakup.

His hand that's holding the ice pack slips down and out of the way as he slowly returns Ryan's kiss. It hurt his lip just a bit, but he really didn't care. His other hand, though with just as sore battered knuckles, slips up behind Ryan's head and through her hair.

Miles' eyebrows raise just about as far as they can go and he looks to Eli, blinking. Eli's mouth is hanging open just a bit as he cocks his head, unable to help but stare. He felt like he should probably back away but...

Miles clears his throat.

As Ryan draws back, Leo looks up into her eyes the best he can without being able to open them all the way. They were full of want... full of question. Why had Ryan just kissed him? Was it really true that she really did care? Did this mean there was still hope for the future?

"I... think our friend is going to make it," Miles comments dryly.

Eli steps closer again, with an eyebrow quirked. "I don't know... he looks a little feverish to me."

Leo would have rolled his eyes, had it not hurt to do so. Instead, he just shuts them and leans his head back. But hidden was his hand that had slid down to rest in Ryan's palm.

Eli returns the cold pack to Leo's eye, a little harder than the last time. "I think you need a rest after that."

Leo smirks. He didn't even know what to say or how to act now. "I think I need my bed," he mumbles.

"I think you should spend the night here," Eli suggests.

"Naw." Leo shakes his head. "Just get me home, alright?"

"Look, Bub." Eli looks at him sternly. "You had a death wish to begin with, you refused the hospital, now you're going to take an order whether you like it or not. Until I'm convinced you're alright, you're staying..."

An hour later, Miles was gone, Leo had made it to the living room couch to lie down, and Eli was scrounging for an extra pillow and blanket.

Leo winces as he curls up on his side, not waiting for the pillow. He'd managed to drink a little water, but otherwise, he'd refused much else. Seeing Ryan out of the corner of his eye, he wonders again about earlier. Would she say any more? Was that it? Did it mean more?

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