

Reaching up and cradling Jade's face in his hand for a moment his eyes searched hers. The warmth inside him grew just a little more.

Why did he feel like he had no controlle. He was walking dangerous ground he new he shouldn't. But it was like his body and mind were no longer connected.

Giving a small smile Dan whispered.

"You don't need to thank me when its the truth."

Running his finger gently over Jade's face he new his hands were rough but her skin seemed to sooth the acked from the days work that throbbed in them.

Staying pretty quiet once they are back at her place Ryan move back and forth with her brothers direction ignoring the throbbing in her wrist. She felt worryed, and horrible inside seeing Leo like this.

Cleaning his face gentily as she could Ryan catchs Leo's eye many times just looking deep into them each. She'd been so worryed all day and now here he was and she still was worrying.

Hearing why Leo went and started something with Roth makes her stop for a moment just staring at Leo. He'd dont it for her, Leo had risked going aganst Roth because of what he had done to her.

"That was a stupid thing Leo you have ever done."

Nothing being able to the the feeling she had inside or even being able to describe it Ryan leans in taking Leo and pressing her lips to his. Trying to be gentil but being ferm at the same time. All her emotions put into the kiss pulling away for a moment only to turn her head and go back for another kiss. Letting it linger for a long moment till finally she pulled away.

"Thank you."

Giving a nod to her uncle Bree snatches one of the pillows and places it behind her back to try and get comfortable.

"Yep, nothing like ending the week with something sappy."

Waiting for JT to pick the movie and than saying grace Bree was ready to dig in. Cutting the crustless pizza and scooping it into her plate she uses her fork to eat it enjoying every moment.

Finally about about an hour Bree puts her plat down on the table. She had eaten way to much but today it tasted way to good. Leaning her head back she bumps into Gunner's leg and brings her head back up again turning to look at him.

Behind her eyes a grin formed as she plotted something to wake him. Turning the other way slowly Bree reachs behind her and grabs Gunner's feel holding them tight before bringing her other hand around and running her fingers along the bottom of his foot.

Rosetta listened to Mick closely. After there talk and understanding on a few things she was feeling better and now that the conversation had gone back to Dylan and Rosetta wanted to know what was going on and if she could help.

"Ohhh Scott's here yes yes thats fine. I never wanted to come across like I didnt want you to help I just new there had to be some way for you to be here and do so."

Continuing to listen and giving nods and smiles Rosetta new things would work out and Dylan would be ok.

"Katie is going back tomorrow, I am sure Reese with put her on this case too. That alone gives me comfort that Dylan will be ok. God will keep his hands wrapped around Dylan as well. Always remember that. He has his hands around you as well."

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