

"I do understand where your coming from Gunner. I..I've been to many councilors myself, its hard to share yourself with someone. She's good thought I can tell that."

Giving a small half smile to Gunner, and another pat to his leg Bree just wanted him to be calm. He could be himself around her and she didn't care. She could hear a million storys about what he tryed to do and she wouldnt flinch or think differently of him. She'd been there, she'd done that..and she had the scares to prove it.

"I know you hate that I see you like this, but whats a true friend but one who walks through the fire with you. This here...means nothing on who you are. To me, I like seeing the guy in front of me who is nothing but himself. I am happy they stoped you from ending it because it wouldnt be the same being backwards alone. No matter how normal or crazy you are because I am crazy too."

Looking at Gunner her cheeks turn just a little red why she wasnt sure but she didnt try to fight it before looking down at the book again. Gunner wanted to stop talking about himself for now than she wouldnt push it.

"Ohhh...look I found V...A...M...P...I...R...E, Vampire!"

Leaning into Jason a little a smile so wide stays spread across Katie's face. A few days ago Katie had almost lost to people she found so close to her, and through her prayers God had answered them and followed through.

Yes it has been far to long, but I am happy we are here and now having this moment to do it together. I love you J.

Returning the kiss to Jason and than looking across the table at Jade and Dan Katie lets out a giggle again.

"You know just because we can talk to each other without using our voiced dosnt mean we always can. Only when we dont want other to hear what we are saying."

Sticking her toung out at Jade and than laughing again.

Shaking her head Dan sat next to Jade enjoying just watching everyone interact. It was nice to interact with some people who were his own age and even be included in the conversation. He hadn't felt that in a very long time.

"A game plan huh? I think we might be able to come up with one of those."

Dan gives a playful elbow to Jade and than leans in close as if concocting a plan of action with her.

Giving another chuckle the movment at the door catches Katie's attachen as she falls silent for a moment thought the smile on her face growing. Kaite new her dad shouldnt be out of bed yet but she couldn't blame him for wanting to. After being cooped up for so long even the sain would go crazy. She must of inherited that from him.

Looking to the empty chair on the other side of her Katie stands and pulls it away from the table looking at Jeff and than back to the chair.

"I saved you this seat. We dont mind if you sit with us Dad."

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