

Standing herself Bree eyes smile though her lips to not. It sucked that her and Gunner couldn't have more time together even if what they were doing was mindless fun. At least she had giving Gunner a little bit of that joy in this place.

"Your Welcome Gunner, try not to bit Marge on your way to your room ok?"

Giving a chuckle Bree turns as she hears the Dr call and than looking back to Gunner. A window, he would have his window now and that might help. She was happy Hope could work that out.

"I'll see you soon Gunner."

Turning to leave Bree exits the hospital glancing down at her watch fast. She had an hour before she had to be to work how could she kill that time today.

Smiling and giving a nod to Gunner Hope was happy to help. Anything to make him comfortable as she could here she would do. She new it wasn't a pleasant place, he hated and he felt embarssed to be here but if she could do something to help him be comfortable she would.

Giving a shake of her head and a smile Katie take her seat between Jeff and Jason once again. Her heart was content having both of them here knowing they would be ok.

"No, your not interrupting anything. Your always welcome to sit with us."

Giving a laugh at Jeff's statement Katie slips her hand into Jason under the table her eyes twinkle as she continues the joke with a little bit of scarasum.

"Oh yes, because we always cheat. Thats just the time of people we are."

Giving a laugh Dan takes a sip of his water. It was good to see Jeff up and about knowing he would be ok. Dan hadnt gotten to know him on a close personal level, but he had chatted with him a few times and new he was a good guy who deserved better than dieing by the hang of The Agency he was told so much about.

Turning his attachen back to Jade he gives a grin as she shrugs his shoulders a little.

"Bowling? I honestly can say I dont know if I am good or not, I never tried to bowl before. But how hard can it be?!"

Scanning the charts Amanda looks over the information. It had been a few hours since they had given Ryan the blood and nothing had gone wrong yet. She only prayed it stayed that way.

"So far so good. Her vitals are good, and the blood is mixing well. It will only take a few more hours before we know for sure her body has accepted the blood. Than the hard part will be done, and we will just have to get her health, and see about the movement in her arm."

Letting out a small sigh Amanda looks across the chart for a moment at JT before looking back at the chart. It had been a long day and it would of been even longer if it hadn't been for JT.

"Thanks for the help today. I really do appreciate it.."

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