

I think with this one he will be ok. Probably just be happy to have us back to our old selfs again.

Giving a smile and looking over at her dad Katie gives a nod.

"I'd like to stay a little longer too. As long as we let Reese know I dont see a problem. I am still on my leave from work anyways. He told me to take all the time I needed."

Looking back to Jade and Dan Kaite smile. She had enjoyed both there company so far and wouldnt mind having a little more fun before going back to work.

"And bowling sounds fun."

Raising an eyebrow a smile spreads across Dan's face as he got no option in the matter and than giving a short chuckle.

"Ok, bowling it is than. Sounds like it might be fun."

Looking over her shoulder and leaning back a little in his chair Dan looks to Mick.

"Hey Boss man, we get to bring some of your wifes delicious hot chocolate with us?"

Looking up from the chart once again Amanda gives a small smile. Since JT had come to work at the hospital Amanda had seen him in and out almost everyday, not stopping though to talk as there word didnt not allow the time, she didnt always find him handsome. And now to have him asking her out to lunch or dinner, it was almost like a fairy tail that she could smile about.

"I do an overnight shift the night before, so dinner that night could be good as I have off that day. That way I can get some sleep in."

Giving another smile Amanda turn and disapears it Ryan's room to check on her knowing she would see JT again before the day was though to get the details and times on when to meet him for dinner.

And so the says move on, some waiting for the excitement that was to come, and some just wanting to see there friend who needed them....but for no matter the reason the day moved on.

Entering the small room that had a chill in the air Bree looked around untill she found who she was looking for. Her eyes give a sparkle as makes her way over to him seeing him holding the book she had let him barrow.

"Hope you havnt filled up on blood yet this morning, I dont want you to be to full to have this float with no ice cream I braught you!"

Holding it out to Gunner Bree scans his face taking note to his glazed eyes and the lifeless nature that seemed to be present. What had happened to her friend and was he ok now?

Slidding into the chair next to him and setting the float on the table Bree reachs out and takes Gunner's hand in her own.

"Oh Gunner, what have they done to you."

Taking her other free hand Bree brush a peace of hair off Gunner for head before running it down his face and than withdrawing it.

"Next time you want to get out, wait till you have someone who can cover your back eh?"

Giving his hand a gentil squeeze Bree wanted him to be his normal joking self so she could join along to. On coming today they Dr had said what had happend, she wasnt going to bring it up and she was just going to be normal but hadnt relized that they had drugged him too.

Though Gunner wasnt himself today Bree was going to try and still be herself so she could help Gunner maybe get into the better mood.

"Ok So, we are we going to freak out today?"

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