
Sometimes its ok...

Looking back at Kyle Alice's eyes twinkle. After being here for only a little over an hour she already felt comfortable, and being next to Kyle it almost felt like home. A big grand home, but home no the less and she didn't mind if anyone else heard what she had to say to Kyle or saw her express her love for him.

"I'd never ask you to give something like this up Kyle. This is a once in a life time opportunity."

Though she did miss Nevada and the joys of sometimes just sitting down to a quiet book never would Alice regret coming on the road with Kyle. She had gained so much to miss out on it would of being a fate worse than a crick in the neck from sleeping in her jeep.

"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and back again Kyle Mitts, as long as I can keep calling you mine. Pen in hand, and paper ready to report, that is if everyone else is ok with that as well."

Leaning a little close to Kyle Alice brushes her lips against his before pressing them firmly to how own letting her emotions wash over them. Finally pullying away and looking Kyle in the eyes a smile on her face and her eyes dancing with Kyles.

"I love you Kyle. Your shadow will follow on."

"Sometimes..its ok to cry you know. Even for a grown man."

Hope enters Gunner's room after seeing him shoot down the hall and into his room. She had come to talk with the Dr. after Bree had told her somethings she was not to happy about but see Gunner move quickly to his room was more important than talking with the Dr. that could wait.

"My dad told me once when I saw him crying, "A man's not a man unless he crys." Sometimes I think alot of men lose that thought thinking emotions and tears are a weakness when really they can be out greatest strangth."

Setting the styrafome cup down on Gunner's dresser what was inside was ordered from Bree knowing Gunner might need it after his session with the Dr. today.

"The milk shake was from Bree, she said you might need it. I didnt quest understand what she ment when she said it was a rootbeer float without the ice cream but she said you would understand."

Moving over to the wall and than to the window Hope looks at the picture of a hand print along with letters that were cute into letters and shapes.

"I'm going to be talking with the Dr. today Gunner and look over the medicen he has been giving you. From what Bree has told me its has been more harm than help and I think the Dr. is stupid. If he refuses to take you off them, I will take that bridge when and if we come to it."

Turning Hope looks to Gunner again before comes over to him and bending down next to him cocking her head just a little to look him in the eyes.

"I want to do everything I can to help you Gunner. Even if it dosnt seem like it ok?"

Giving a small laugh Hope remembers something else Bree had been rambling to her and trys her best to lighten the mood if only just a little.

"So whats this I hear about making Marge thing your a vampire?"

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