

Coming up to the pourch Dan lets out a long sigh seeing the look on Mick's face. It chilled him to the bone and put fear in his heart. There wasnt much Dan feared, after everything he had been through but he was just starting to feel comfortable here, and tonight had helped him feel at home and like he fit but now, in this one moment it could all be snuffed out.

"Yes Sir I did."

Picking at the peace of wood on the railing Dan could feel his insides shakes till finally he looked up at Mick. This had happened, and now it was time to face Mick. He had to, and if he didn't understand than there was nothing else Dan could do but move on once again.

"Please don't be upset with Jade. We really did get a flat. I didn't think about having her call you but Katie did and there was no service. Thats the honest truth, I try not to make a habit of lieing."

Dan looks Mick in the eye as he prays that his boss would believe him. He liked it here, it felt good here and he liked working with the horses. He didnt want to have to pack up and leave already.

Looking up as Kip comes back Alice takes notice to the change in him. Figuring it had something to with the phone call she could tell it wasn't good. Glancing at Kyle she gives a nod he had noticed too. Trying not to bring any more attachen to it Alice moves on with the conversation it was not her place to say anything.

Hearing that Kyle and herself could stay at Erik's Alice looks up quickly a look of shock on her face before looking to Kyle and than back to Erik. She could only imagen what the rooms must look like and what the beds felt like. Looking back to Kyle her eyes were still wide a little.

"Well...I...dont know what to think at this point."

Alice gives a little laugh before looking around the room and back to Kyle again.

"I dont see why it wouldnt be ok, but we dont have any of our cloths, or bath stuff here. We would have to go back to the hotel and get it first."

Continuing to hold Gunner Hope new it hurt, Hope new everything inside of him was being wripped a sunder, and she wished with the snap of her fingers she could make it go away. But it didnt work that way.

"Gunner, your not a monster because of this. You didnt take the wheel from your Dad's hand and drive the car off the road. It was an accident."

Continuing to rub Gunner's back and hold his hand Hope is quiet for a minute letting Gunner lean into her. She didnt mind, and it didnt bother her one bit.

"You need to forgive yourself and let go. Let God take your pain Gunner, let him comfort you and wrap his ever lasting arms around you. He holds nothing aganst you, and condemns you for nothing. You want so bad for people not to judge you, or look down on you well you need to not do that to youself as well."

Hope sucks in a deep breath of air as she takes a tissue from her pocket and whips Gunner's eyes and nose not because she was babying him but because she was trying to help him not feel more of a mess than he already did.

"Its going to hurt Gunner, its going to hurt for a while, if it didnt than I would know something was wrong. But you have to know that it was not your fault, you are not a murder, and you need to live on for those around you. I think Bree would be mighty lonly without you around dont you?"

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