
Quit pretending

It seems Jeff isn't even going to answer Katie. His mind reels with questions, fears and doubts. Was Jay right? Was he wrong? What was best?

Jeff tilts his head to look up at Katie, his heartbeat quickening. "Oh, Katie... I don't even know how to answer that." He nibbles on a cookie, more out of nervousness than hunger, but he has to stop. His stomach wanted no part in any of it. Closing his eyes, he rests his head into the pillows. It looks as though he's asleep, but he finally moves, searching his pocket under the blanket.

Clutching the tiny object in his hand, he tries to sit up, wincing a little as his body protests. He pulls himself up anyway until he's sitting up next to Katie. The effort left him out of breath and he pauses a moment to try and regain what little strength he had.

Finally turning his eyes to Katie, tears could be seen in his gaze. "Jay is right... I don't have much... much time left and... I can't leave without you knowing the truth."

He swallows hard, fighting the tears. His biggest fear was that Katie would hate him for what he would tell her.

Extending his hand, he slowly uncurls his fingers to reveal the little diamond ring. "I... I want you to have this... It... it was.... your mother's."

His eyes lock with hers for the longest moment. A tear finally escapes to roll down his pale cheek. "It's the one that I..." He chokes on his words, his emotions almost too much for his weak physical state. But he had to say it. "...I gave to her... when I proposed."

Jeff fights his tears for all he's worth, but it does no good. They come anyway. "I'm sorry, Katie..." His voice cracks. "When she died I... I couldn't take care of you." His hand holding the ring trembles. "So Jay, he... he took you... as his own."

Gunner heaves another little sigh and shakes his head. "And what will your report say? You think Reese wants to pay you for playing games? I'm not a little kid here, Hope. I'm not Scott, who's got a complex the size of Texas."

He leans forward, meeting her gaze as he folds his hands on the the table. "We both know you and I are here for more than darts. So either you need to remind Reese that I do in fact have all my marbles so we can quit fooling around and get back to some real work, or you need to play whatever cards you have to get this thing over with. I told you before I'll do whatever you want me to or answer any questions you ask."

He shrugs, relaxed and willing. "I don't like games. So we're just going to be stuck here doing nothing unless we quit pretending."

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