

Hope lets out a sigh and shakes her head. With Gunner it was different, with this case it was going to be hard and she almost felt at a lose on what to do. Reese was going to have to give her more time with Gunner she could already feel it.

Looking at Gunner for a long moment Hope just lets her mind process running up and down, in and out everything about Gunner that she had learned.

"First off, I am not pretending anything. Its not the way I work, so if you think thats what I am doing sorry to let you down."

Hope takes a deep breath as her voice stays calm showing she had no frustration though on the inside she did just a little.

"Next, I guess we are going to be stuck here doing nothing because I cant tell Reese your sain because you held a knife to a mans throat. Weather you would of hurt him or not dosnt matter, the fact that it happen matters. But, I cant help you eather because you don't want my help. Yeah you will answer any of my questions, and you will do whatever I ask but deep down, you don't want help. Your chasing ghosts Gunner, and looking for something that should of been let go a long time ago. So until your willing to have help I'm sorry but out meetings are going to be boring."

Helping Jeff the best she can to set up and next to her Katie just waits as he trys to catch his breath again. Katie was pashent and didn't feel in a rush, she didnt mind that Jeff took his time.

Finally hearing that her Dad was right, and she needed to know the truth Katie's eyes held a bit of confusion but the smile never left her face. She didnt understand what was going on. Taking the ring from Jeff's hand Katie looks down at it holding it in her own just looking at it, and running her fingers over it. More confusion ran in her eyes that it was her mothers.

Continuing to listen on Katie looks up quickly almost startled as Jeff mentions he was her father. Tears formed in Katie's eyes thought they didnt pour out, her face turn beat red as the confustion grew.

"All these years, everything I went through.....I..."

Katie didnt know what to say, she was a little upset, she was a little scaired, she was confused and she felt hurt. The man she had call father for 22 years was now no longer hers, he wasnt really her father.

Sliding to the edge of the bed Katie looks to Jeff again.

"Why? I..."

Katie shook her head she needed to think or she new she would say something she didn't mean. Closing her hand around the small object Katie stands and looks at Jeff.

"I, need to go think alone. I'm sorry Uncle...Dad.."

Neather sounded right anymore to say, who was Jeff really now?

"I'm sorry Jeff."

Getting up and leaving the bunkhouse Katie makes her way down the small steps and starts to go across the grass, her head down as her mind raced and her emotions when haywire. A feeling Katie had felt before and hated.

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