
Make it right

Squinting as if in pain, Scott shakes his head. "I don't feel intelligent... it's all just... weird. If I could only retrieve the information on my own..."

Leaning back, he runs a finger over his mouth, thinking hard as they drive. "I see it... but I don't know what it is... just... drive."

Still thinking, he lapses into silence the rest of the way to the office. Once there, he heads inside quickly, breaking into a jog across the main floor and skidding around the corner into the hall.

There's just a few people around, and Gunner looks up quickly from his desk. Seeing Scott run by, with Hope close behind, he lifts his eyebrows. Giving a little wave that goes unnoticed by Scott, Gunner shakes his head, showing a bit of amusement. "Keep him in line, Doc, looks like he's getting away from you."

Scott makes it down to the infirmary, bursting in without knocking. "Rick... Rick..." He paces in circles, raking his hands through his hair. "It's... it's in there, I know it is."

Rick blinks, stopping what he's doing. he looks over to Misty, then at Hope, then back to Scott. "You alright?"

"No... no, it's Jay... I mean Jeff. They thought it was Jay, but it wasn't."

Rick quirks an eyebrow, totally confused. Stepping forward, he pulls Hope further in, shutting the door. It was apparent the secret wasn't going to be held as tightly as as attempted. "Scott, what are you talking about."

"The... the..." Scott snaps his fingers, still squinting as he thinks. "...formula. It was for Jay. But it was Jeff. That's how it turned out to be Katie."

Rick folds his arms bewildered. He glances to Hope. "Jeff's Katie's father, not Jay. Keep it under your hat. Scott, where are you going with this?"

"The meds... the Agency thought it was Jay for some reason. But it was Jeff... it had to be, otherwise Katie wouldn't have inherited her abilities. And... and... and so the information in Jay's file is actually Jeff's."

"What information."

"I don't know. It's like a... a... web or... or something. Like... like..."

Rick waits, then his eyes widen. "Like a formula?"


"Here." Rick hands him a notepad and pencil. "Draw."

"What? I can't draw."

"Just draw, Scott! You're seeing a formula from the Agency files. I know you can do this."

Scott swallows hard and he takes the paper and pencil. He glances at Hope with uneasiness, needing to know she was there. It was scary, pulling out this information... but if it helped...

He starts to draw what he'd seen, writing out as much of the letters and numbers he could remember, below what to him looked like a web, but to Rick it looked like dna.

"Mmm." Axel purses his lips. He'd thought the rumors were true, now he knew they were. "That's tough, Ryan... I'm sorry."

Axel didn't normally touch anybody, let alone a female, but Ryan had his trust. Reaching over, he puts a hand on her shoulder. "I wish I knew what to tell you... I know you like Leo... and I know he likes you too." He shrugs a little. "All you can do is move forward and see what happens... try to make it right."

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