
For You

Waking from her sleep to the sound of her phone going off Katie is to groggy to bother looking at the caller id. Answering the phone and hearing Jason's voice she is thrown off guard for a moment but recovers quickly.

Actually hearing Jason's voice talk to her and not the voicemail was nice. It was soft, and seemed to sooth her eyes as it hit them. Though things had been crazy Katie had missed it.

"Hey there! Yeah I got your message. I was going to call you back but I guess I fell asleep. I got woken up pretty early this morning, and I didnt even get my coffee."

Sitting up and leaning back in the bed against the wall Katie's head was throbbing but she tryed her best to ignore it and not let it bother her. She wanted to talk to Jason.

"Oh I am hanging in there the best I can I suppose."

She wasn't lieing she could be a lot worse. Could be a lot better to ut she was ok.

"I miss ys a whole lot but I am guessing you already new that since I dont care to be separated from ya. But I am trying my best to use to it for you."

Katie lets out a long sigh. She was trying.

"My head is still pretty foggy J...I wont lie to you and I still have a lot I need to heal. But slowly I am figuring it out I think."

Katie could hope Jason new what she as trying to say and could understand.

"There is so much going on right now with so many people getting hurt its just hard. How are you holding up?"

Entering the bunk house Angel shakes her head at Jeff and goes over to his bed side. She could tell he had a fever and his body was over tired.

"Jeff, you need to stop. We are all trying to help you and keep you comfortable. You need to let me check you over and get some rest your body is tilling you, you need it."

Angel takes a few things from her bad along with a setivite in case they needed it. If Jeff wouldnt rest on free will she would make him rest. She cared what happend to her friend.

"So please calm down and let me check you over ok? What have you been doing this morning?"

Angel looks to Luke and gives a nod along with Sparky. They would be standing by if she needed them.

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