
New Faces

Leaving the infirmary Misty was ready to go her jacket in hand. Carson had called to let her know tonight he was tired after a long day at work and would be heading right home but tomorrow they would hand out. Now it was her turn to leave after checking on Jeff before heading out.

Hearing a noise at the end of the hall Misty turns to look squinting in the dim light. Seeing Gage's form at the end of the hall Misty turns and starts to head down that way. Trying not to sneak up on him she gives a small cough to let him know she was there before getting to him. Giving a small smile she inquires.

"Hey Gage, I saw you down here and I just wanted to make sure everything was ok or if you needed anything before I headed out?"

Keeping his arm wrapped around Laura firmly yet gently Nate leans his head on top of hers continuing to watch the movie.

It had been a good night full of laughter, and fun with his sister and wife. Though he felt completely exhausted Nate didn't want to move. He was to comfortable here and the movie wasn't close to being over. He'd rise the rest of the movie out, and once it was done he would carry Laura up to bed with him, but for now this was perfect.

Parking her car next to the bunk house Rosetta had said was empty and would be hers Katie pulls out her suit case and takes it inside. She had been here for about an hour now and had gotten her hello's out of the way. Now as the medicine kicked in Katie could feel the small throb as a headache formed, a few memories trying to creep out she new that her emotions where cut off from Jason.

Throwing her suit case onto the bed she starts to unpack a few things placing them in the order of where they would go and making sure there was fresh towels in the bathroom. Maybe a quick shower would help her feel better tonight before she headed to sleep.

Tomorrow would be another busy day filled with seeing everyone and even going to see Clint, Wendy and Chase. Though she wasn't sure what to say she hoped they would be happy to see her. Maybe she would even go see Wes, Cindy and Kaylee tomorrow too.

Only one thing Katie really wasn't looking forward to was explaining to people why she was here, and staying for a while. With any luck maybe no one would ask for they would just assume she was here to visit for a little while.

Grabbing a fresh pare of pjs and her bath soap and shampoo Katie headed into the bathroom turning on the water to fill the tub. A bath would help her relax and even ease her mind. After the long ride, and the stress she new would come this is what she needed.

Leaning back on the couch and looking up at Ryder, Thirteen gives a little smile as she thinks. It was going to be strange without Katie there now, not to mention even a little scary.

"Maybe just for tonight you could sleep on the couch and I will sleep in my new room? Than tomorrow I can sleep alone down here?"

Thirteen wanted to be able to be alone and it to be ok, but she had hardly gotten use to the noises in the house let alone sleep in her new room. The walls where still bare and there went curtains on the windows. The room needed some work to become hers but sleeping in it would be the first step.

"Hey Mick?"

A tall blond haired gentleman steps out from one of the stalls looking down the isle for Mick. His blue eyes shone bright from under his stetson even in the dim light of the barn.

Taking his tan work gloves off Dan heals down looking into each stall till he finds Mick in with the foal.

Dan had been working at the ranch for about two weeks now. He'd just recintly moved into town and heard many people talk about this ranch. He wanted to get back into horses and if this place was as good as people talked about he might as well get a job here.

Though at the time the ranch wasn't looking for worked Dan got Rosetta to take him on at least part time till as the long winter months were coming up fast. After that if they liked his work and needed someone for the busy summer he would stay. He promised to work hard and prove he new what he was doing around horses. Though his past he didn't talk to much about his future was bright and it made him even more excited when he found out that ranch was a Christian one on top of it.

Pushing his Stetson back a little bit Dan leaned on the railing just watching Mick with the foal for a moment. Finally though Dan straightens just a little before speaking.

"Mick, I got all the feedings gone, and new bedding laid down. I made sure Thunder had his special feed as well. Was there anything else you needed me to do before I headed to wash up?"

1 comment:

Gene Outing said...

Bree seems cool I hope we see more of her. I think I am gonna like Dan too. Keep up the good work ladys.