

Shaking her head Katie cant help the laugh the escapes her lips at Ryder's welcome. It was good to be home and be around her friends once again.

"Have to addmit Ryder if you were anyone else I would pop ya one. Its good to be home."

Walking in farther Katie sets the small bag down that had the items people had given her. Giving a small stretch she was still a little sore but it wasnt much anymore.

Giving a nod to Ryder Katie agrees. Laura's room would be empty soon and she didnt need it for anything. Why let it go to wast. Plus the extra company would be nice.

"Yeah that's ok. I don't mind at all. As long as everything goes smoothly."

Making her way to the kitchen Katie walks slow as to not startled Thirteen at all.

"Hi Thirteen!"

Hearing Jason and Katie enter the house Thirteen is startled but regains her composure quickly. Turning she gives a smile to Katie. It felt strange almost looking at herself, why did she look so much like this girl?

"Welcome Home!"

Takin a few steps back to the sink Thirteen motions to the dishes.

"We were just cleaning up the mess from dinner we made. Ryder was showing me how to cook."

Seeing Jason standing behind Katie Thirteen shifts just a little still not use to large groups but trying her best to handle it.

"Are you guys hungry we have plenty of left overs!"

Smiling at Thirteen Katie shakes her head slightly.

"No thank you, we already had something to eat. But the offer was nice of you."

Looking down as something brushed her leg a smile forms on Katie's face. The black and white furball wanted his attachen too.

Bending down to pick Henry up Katie rubs her face aganst his soft fur as he purrs in his arms.

"Hey there big guy. I heard you had some excitement while I was gone."

"I wouldn't have minded much if you had hit your head sooner. Than I could of talked to you more and sooner."

Smiling at Gage Sapphire enters the room more and does a quick once over making sure everything was ok.

She new Gage was differnt from Thirteen but still there was so much in life he had missed out on she felt bad.

"Well now you have your freedome to an exstent. As for what else they are going to do I am not sure but I know it wont be anything bad."

Leaning aganst the wall Sapphire cross her arms in front of her as she thinks for a long moment. Reese could be a little hard to understand sometimes but he really was a fair guy.

"You deserve a life and a choise to make your own distions. Not because you have to but because you want to. We want to give you a fighting chanse."

Sapphire pushes off the wall and starts to pase just a little. It wasnt a nervouse walk but just one she did when she was thinking. Even when working she often did it, but to everyone else it looked like she was getting water or something of that nature.

"Your not an animle to be chaged but a man to be taught and shown how much laughter, life, love and hope there is out there."

Flashing another smile Sapphire squats down in front of Gage and cocks her head to look him in the eye.

"It will be a hard road but dont look at us as your capters but your friends and teachers as long as your willing to learn."

Looking out the window at the mention of a fight Rosetta lets out a long frustrated sigh before heading to the door herself.

It had been a long time since her brothers had gotten into it but still non the less she had though that maybe they had grown up and put the petty stuff behind them. But she was wrong.

Exiting the house and making her way twords them Rosetta steps in the middle of both her brothers holding her hands out to the side to stop them.

"ENOUGH both of you!"

Looking from one brother to the next the pain could be seen in her eyes, and her tone of voice held the same as it cracked here and there.

"Have you both gone insain and learned nothing after all these years? I have struggled to keep this family alive the best I can and all you two can do it fight. Your brothers for goodness sake, you shouldnt be beating the snot out of eachother."

Letting her arms fall to the sides Rosetta shakes her head. She didnt know the reason for the fight, but still they shouldnt be acting like two year olds.

"You are both grown men, an as such you should be acting like it. Setting a good example for BJ and the other kids at the ranch. Not to mention it kills me to see you both fight."

Rosetta looks from on brother to the next as the tears form in her eyes.

"What do you both have to say for yourselfs?"

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