
Two Words

Zooming along the road Ryan cant help the whoop of her own that is let out. It was one thing to race, it was another to do it in fun with someone alone. Knowing Leo wasn't freaked out or scared ether was nice.

As if almost ta ken to a new place while driving the smile on Ryan's face was different from most that she wore. Here she was free, letting her talent and light for racing show.

Up ahead many lights shone off the road a little ways along with loud music playing. It was easy to see something was going on out here, but not many people travailed this road and most people would have had to been invited by another.

Slowing her speed Ryan looks to Leo again and gives a wink bring back his earlier comment.

"I guess there is a first for everything huh?"

Getting closer to the sight Ryan slows the car even more almost bring it to a crawl. Making a few stops here and there to talk to people or find out where he car was going to be parked, race order and what the steaks where.

Feeling Ryder's around her as she is about to go down Thirteen new she was safe. She hadn't meant to slip but Ryder was right there to catch her anyways.

"I'm ok. I was just trying to help clean the mess up I helped make."

Her arms now around Ryder's too Thirteen runs her hand along his upper arm for a moment before looking up at him again and giving a small smile.

"Thank you!"

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