

Time...oh time how is always comes back to that one thing. Something that moves so fast, making the days go by but at the same time feels so slow.

Time...do we have enough of it to finish in life what we started, to walk our full path or will God decied that now is the time for us to be with him.

Time...we often take it for granted untill we get halted in place and showed just how little time we really do have. Another day, another hour, another minute, another second and so time moves on waiting for no one not even those who tryed to grasp onto it the most.

Resting a hand on her brother shoulder tear plaged Rosetta's eyes once more as her daily visit came to a close and she met her brother in the hall way.

So many questions hung in the air, and so much hurt was passed around no matter how much they tryed to turn there pain over to God there was still some that lingered.

The question of what would happen next always hung in the air, though they tryed to dart around it for a long time now it would come sooner or later and though Rosetta hated to be the one to bring it up she new she had to, for Katie's sake.

"You know she wouldnt want to continue on like this Jay. Its a hard desition to make and I have we have been trying not to bring it up for weeks, but we both know Katie would want use to let her go so she could go home."

Rosetta hated the look on her brother face, and though those words had made new tears form she had to. Katie was a fighter, and never backed down, but she wouldnt want to be kept alive by equipment eather.

It had been a month, and they wernt giving up just simply setting her free so she could be home, and see her brother and mother again. Rosetta new it was what Katie would have wanted.

Mama wipe the blood off of my face
I can't see through it anymore
I need someone to talk to, and a new hiding place
I feel like I'm looking at heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Laying a hand on his friends shoulder Nate held a paper bag in his hand. He'd spend most of his time away from the office in the last few weeks doing work Reese needed down outside. Going to court, collecting evadince from Brown and stuff of that nature but never did his mind drift away from his friends.

Worry corsed in his eyes for more than one reason. Things didnt feel the same anymore. So much was changing and non of it was for the good.

Setting the bag down on the table next to Jason Nate gave his shoulder a gentil pat.

"She'd kick your butt if she new you wernt eating right. I can almost hear her voice saying it too. There is an orange in there, and some stuff from Mom and Pops."

Moving slowly twords Katie Nate sits on the edge of the bed and takes her lifeless hand in his own. Tears wanted to come, but he willed them not to.

"Maggie wanted me to tell you Kat, that you have to get better soon. You promised to go fishing with her..."

Nate choked on his own words as he though about what his sister has said, and how much hope was in her eyes. She made a good example for anyone and he feared what it would be like if he had to tell her Katie wouldnt wake up.

"...you can't break your promies to her now could you? We miss you Kat."

Standing Nate leans over her and gives Katie a gentil kiss on the forhead before turning and making his way quickly to the door.

"I'll be back tomarrow Hotshot."

Mama I can hear that thunder roar
Echoin' down from God's distant shore
I can hear 'em callin' for my soul
Feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Placing the small bottle on the table next to Jason Misty gives him a hug just holding him for a long moment. She couldnt imagen what this must be like for him.

Things wernt the same at the office with out Katie and Jason around. They were like a beacon that gave hope to whoever came in contact with them weather the person needed it or not. Now even though the laughter could still be hurd if you listened closely caught in the halls, it was starting to fade.

"I know you havent been eating right so I thought you could use a refill."

Laying some flowers on Katie bedside Misty says nothing more. There really wasnt anything else to say to her friend that hadent been said already.

Mama take these bells out of my ears

I can't hear them anymore
They're bringin' me down and givin' me tears
Feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

"Daddy, is Katie going to go be with God?"

The little boy looked up at Mick with his big bright eyes wondering about his cousand. Rosetta had been gone for a while now, and every night they prayed. Though the little boy didnt know much of life and death yet, he didnt need it to be explained to much that his might never see her again.

"I dont want her to, everyone will be sad and I wont be able to see her and Jason anymore."

Mama take these tears out of my eyes

I can't see through them anymore
Just for once, I'd like to see the sunrise
Feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Laying curled up on the floor Thirteen sits just petting Trooper and letting the time pass before Ryder would return.

She had done her best to try and do what Ryder said, and answer what questions she could though there was many things she still was to scaired to talk about sooner or later she new should would.

Her heart felt sad tonight though as she staired into the dark. She wasnt ment to hear it but she new Ryder's friend was not doing well. It hurt to think she had been a part of that by choose or not. Thirteen could only hope that Katie would get better soon.

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