
And thus...

Reese's eyes widen as Angelica pushes him, and he can't help but sprint after her, towards the door. "No fair without a warning!" He hollers, the humor dancing in his voice. If anyone were to see him acting like this, they would have thought he'd gone mad. But to him... he was simply finding youth again... a youth that Angelica brought out in him.

Getting to the parking lot, he catches her by the waist and pulls her towards his car. "I win, so I drive," he teases. Yes... amidst the turmoil, there was an oasis where one could go to rest and be revived.

Seeing Thirteen sit on the floor, Ryder just looks down at her a moment, trying to figure out her behavior. He knew that she probably had some strange habits after being raised by the Agency. Deciding to join her, rather than change her routines yet, he takes the food, then slides down on the floor beside her, resting his back against the bed.

"Me, cook? Oh, I think we can manage that sometime." Unwrapping the food, he sets it between them so that she can help herself. "Though I think you'll find this tastes pretty good."

Encouraging her to eat, Ryder doesn't mention questioning or the Agency at all. Instead, he tells Thirteen a little more about the Elite, what he did, and who the people were. Maybe Reese didn't approve of is methods... but Ryder would be Thirteen's friend before he took any further steps.

And thus... the clock strikes the hour, never stopping, always turning.

It is late. Outside the sky is dark, and the stars twinkle, watching over the hours as they pass... the days as they come and go. Jason sits in the chair close to Katie’s bed, his fingers moving gently along his guitar. A new melody comes forth, soft and soothing to the ear. Though his eyes are closed, his hands feel their way on the strings, never missing a note. His voice rises quiet and mellow, the tears held back behind a wall of hope as time slips by.

You were so brave through it all,
No one could blame you now,
If you wanted to go home,
If you wanted to leave this place.

Con gives Kate’s hand a gentle squeeze as it was enveloped by his own. His touch had never been more tender. “Aw, Kat.” Left alone for a few minutes as Laura spoke with Jason in the hall, Con let the stubborn tear escape before quickly wiping it away.

“I tried to look out for you… what happened, hmm?” Another tear comes that is just as quickly smothered by his hand. “You know we can’t live without you. Things just wouldn’t be the same. I mean… who’s gonna keep everyone in line back at TJY? And… how am I supposed to go back to work for Reese without you there to always make things better?”

Con reaches out to brush Katie’s cheek. “Hang in there, Kat… for us?”

You were so strong through it all,
No one could blame you now,
If you wanted to let go,
If you wanted to leave it all behind.

Carson sits beside the bed, his hands folded in front of him. Looking at his young friend, he felt like crying, but felt too empty at the same time. The days were going by in a blur. He had so many things running through his mind, with hardly enough time to slow down. The restaurant was constantly busy, he had Reese bugging him about coming back to TJY, he and Dani were struggling not to argue all the time, and he and Misty barely had time to see each other. He was trying so hard to stay on the right path, but picking himself back up was slow. At least he'd heard nothing of Mackenzie... maybe that was truly over. Even so, he couldn't deny that there was something in the back of his heart that was saddened by that thought.

He came to visit Katie every night after work. Usually it was when Jason was stretching his legs in the hall, and the others were gone for the day. It was his one bit of peace before going home, yet there was still turmoil, seeing Katie like this.
Please, God, if there’s any way…

But if there’s a chance, just a chance,
That you would stay with me,
I’ll hang on to that strand of hope,
Hoping that I’ll see…

You again. You again.
That’s what I’m prayin’ for.
You again. You again.
I couldn’t ask for more.
No, I wouldn’t ever blame you,
If you wanted to give in.
But please reconsider for me.
I just want to be with you,

“God, please heal Katie and help her to wake up again.” Mick kneels with BJ by the boy’s bed, his hands folded as the example, like every night. But tonight it had been PB&J sandwiches and cartoons instead of Rosetta’s cooking and a family game.

“And please bring Mom home safe again. Amen.” Mick gets to his feet and reaches down to swing BJ into bed, wrestling with him for a moment to bring out the giggles. Finally pulling the blanket up to the boy’s chin, Mick runs his hand through the unruly red hair, then shuts off the light for the night.

Slipping into his own bed a while later, he stares up at the dark ceiling. His hand falls to the empty side of the bed and a lump rises in his throat. Katie had been like his niece too, and he hadn’t loved her less than anyone else on the ranch. The fact that Rosetta had felt the need to go, proved that this situation was far more serious than anyone would like to admit.

Rolling over onto his side, Mick tries to sleep. Morning would come early. But it would be a long night. Please… please, God… don’t take Katie yet.

You were courageous through it all,
No one could blame you now,
If you wanted to give in,
If you wanted to call it quits.

“Still no change.” The doctor shakes his head grimly before excusing himself from the small group.

Phil, Mike and Jen enter the room slowly, Phil the first one to approach Jason. “Hey, Hotshot.”

Jason lifts his tired head, managing half a smile. “Hey, guys.” Rising to his feet is harder than he thought. He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting this time. The hours were all just running together.

Jen comes forward to give him a hug. “How ya doing… really?”

Jason returns the hug, but takes a moment to respond after he’s stepped back. “I’m okay.”

Phil gives his arm a pat. “We just wanted to come see how things were… wanted to pray with you if you would like.”

Tears spring into Jason’s eyes and he looks up to the ceiling, trying to remain composed. Biting his lip, he finally nods.

Jen puts her arm around him, giving him a squeeze. “It’s alright… we’re here for you… and God is too.”

The four join hands and Phil begins the prayer. All of their hearts were poured out to God for their friend. They knew that He knew best… but they so wanted their friend back. They knew that if He wanted to take Katie home, then that was best. But if there was any way…

You fought so hard through it all,
Now one could blame you now,
If you wanted to find rest,
If you wanted to leave it all behind.

“Jason, are you gonna go home to get some rest? You can’t be comfortable here.”

Jason shakes his head at Laura. His eyes were tired, his body was exhausted. But he wasn’t going to leave.

“Wyatt says Trooper's doing a good job with Thirteen, but he misses you.”

“Mm-hmm.” Jason really didn’t care at this point. Wyatt had been in earlier like he was every day, but hadn’t mentioned the dog’s behavior.

Laura sighs and pats his shoulder. “Want me to bring up some food?”

He only shrugs.

“I’ll take that as a yes. But it won’t be from here. I’ll pick up something from Carson from Mom and Pop’s, okay?”

Jason shrugs again, his chin still resting in his hand as his eyes stare at the lifeless form of his friend in the bed. He knew he wasn't the only one with problems. He knew that Laura and Nate were hardly even seeing each other right now, even though Laura was trying hard to hide it with a forced smile. But it was hard not to focus on what was right in front of him. This was his life before him, and it was slipping away.

But if there’s a chance, just one chance,
That you would stay for me.
I’ll hang on to that glimpse of hope,
Hoping that I’ll see…

“Mom and Dad are gonna let me come back for a visit sometime soon. Took some convincing, but… they know Axel is here, and Dad thinks it’s pretty safe around all you Elite people.” Liz gives a short laugh. “They said maybe it would be a good experience for me and… they didn’t want to deny me getting to know my brother a little better too.”

Jason sits in the hospital’s dining room, looking across the table at his sister. He nods numbly, wishing he could show a little more enthusiasm. He just didn’t have the energy. “I… I’m sorry that I haven’t been myself. I wish…”

“It’s okay,” Liz interrupts. “I understand.” She slides her hand across the table to take Jason’s hand. “I’m really glad that I got to meet you at least. I’m sorry too, that all this is happening to you. I can’t imagine what it feels like.” She takes a deep breath. “But have faith, okay? Whatever happens, God won’t let you go.”

Jason nods with a little more surety this time. “I know.”

“When this is all over… when I come back… maybe we can get to know each other?”

A faint smile quirks the corner of Jason’s mouth. “I think I’d like that.”

Liz’s own smile forms. “Somehow I’ll check back on this end to see how things are. Dad said he got your email address.”

“Yeah… yeah, I gave it to him yesterday.”

Liz studies Jason’s face for a moment. “He said he’d like to come back to visit too sometime… if you didn’t mind.”

Jason purses his lips, looking down at his water glass. “I don’t.” Lifting his eyes, he sighs. “No… I don’t mind. We said goodbye yesterday, but it was pretty brief. Tell him to stay in touch, would you? And… and I’m not angry with him anymore.”

“Okay.” Liz’s eyes smile for her. “Goodbye, Jason. We’ll all still be praying for you guys and Katie.”

You again. You again.
That’s what I’m prayin’ for.
You again. You again.
I couldn’t ask for more.
No, I wouldn’t blame you,
If you wanted to give in.
But please reconsider for me.
I just want to be with you,

“No… no change.” Jay leans back against the wall, his cell phone to his ear. It sounded good to hear his wife’s voice, but it made him miss her all the more. “No, I just feel like I should stay. We don’t know how long it could be…” He rubs his eyes wearily. “I’m not ready to make any kind of decision. Tell the kids I love ‘em. I’ll call you again later. Okay. I love you too. Bye.”

Though you’re in my arms tonight,
We’re still so far apart.
I can touch your hand, feel your breath,
But I want to feel your heart.
Please let me feel your heart again,
Don’t leave…
I just need you to be strong for me,
I just want to be with you…

Ryder sits on the narrow windowsill, his eyes watching Katie. The only movement was her breathing, though he hoped for more. Like almost everyone else from this TJY department, he came close to every day, just to see if there was anything different and to talk to Katie, hoping that maybe the voices and begging for her to come back to them would not be in vain.

His mind was often clouded with thoughts of her here. Even though his days were full. His work with Thirteen continued daily as he worked with her at becoming more secure, and winning over her friendship. Still though, she seemed to only trust him and Trooper. Reese was getting impatient, but Ryder insisted he needed more time. The little spare room had become Thirteen's haven and home, and he wasn't willing yet to take it away from her. He just needed more time... he would find some answers, he knew he would...

Pushing off the sill, Ryder walks back to the bed, reaching down to run his finger over Katie’s hand. “Hang in there, mate,” he whispers softly. He would be back tomorrow, like always.

You again. You again.
That’s what I’m prayin’ for.
You again. You again.
I couldn’t ask for more.
No, I wouldn’t blame you,
If you wanted to give in.
But please reconsider for me.
I just want to be with you,

The gentle notes slowly fade into the air and Jason’s hand comes to rest on the quiet strings once more. Every night, his voice sang a sweet and quiet melody, and every night, he hoped that when the song ended, he would be able to look into Katie’s eyes once more. But each night, hope was just a little further away.

Setting his guitar aside, Jason leans forward to rest both arms on the edge of the bed. Taking Katie’s hand in his, he buries his face against it, exhaustion having taken its toll. The days had gone by… it didn’t feel like several weeks had passed, but they had. The world was going on around him, but he refused to live outside of this room. If Katie was stuck here, so was he.

Oh, Katie… how much longer? I can’t bear to see you like this any more. I don’t know how long I can last. You’re there… I know you can feel me again… all I want is to feel you too… but all there is is emptiness. I feel so lost. Don’t leave me here alone… please.

His begging was the same every time the moon shone into the room once again. It was the same, every time his body was finally tired enough to pulls his eyes shut, forcing a shallow sleep to take over.

Sometimes the wrong things happen,
And we’re not sure what to do.
Life is slipping slowly by,
I see it passing through.

The tune was familiar, the words almost the same. But as Jason's heart ached, the meaning had been changed. He had once written the song from the perspective of the one who was dying to those awaiting their return. Now it had become a song from the waiting, to the one who was dying.

My tears they fall like raindrops,
On a summer afternoon.
So do me just one favor,
Please grant my one request…

The flowers added up around the room, evidence of just how many lives Katie had touched. Perhaps she had never thought of herself as having many friends, or that many people with whom she had contact. But Jason saw faces he'd never even seen before, show up to say a gentle word. The heart of the church was shown. Jason saw the minister on several occasions, now having his own relationship with him as well. Only now did Jason realize what he'd been missing in a Christian family. There was a bond there that he never knew existed... and he wished he would have known it so much earlier.

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.
Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t stay away.
Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…Come home.

"How are you holding up?"

The question seemed to come every day now. Jason nods, his eyes dry. "I'm doing alright." He sighs, fiddling with the guitar pick in his hand. "I just keep talking to her... but there's never a response."

Scott looks down before his eyes drift towards Katie's bed. "You know... I was gonna marry her... we were going to be so happy..." He forces a sad smile. "But that was a long time ago."

Jason cocks his head. "Do you... still have those feelings?"

Scott thinks for a moment, then almost laughed. "It's amazing that feelings like those can ever fade. But life and time have a funny way of doing that." He shakes his head slowly. "She's my friend... and I love her as a close friend. But I've moved on, Jase... After everything I went through... and all the time that has passed... there are certain things that are simply sweet memories."

Jason swallows hard. "I don't want my feelings to turn into memories."

"They won't." Scott takes a deep breath. "They won't... she'll wake up."

Jason can only continue to hope and pray he was right.


He turns to the sound of Gunner's voice. "Yeah... I'm coming."

Gunner purses his lips sadly, holding out his hand. "I need to get you back."

Scott's shoulders drop a little. House-arrest was becoming downright lonely. Carson had yet to find to find any answers and hope was wearing thin. Some people blamed Reese for not letting Scott pick his work back up, but Scott didn't. It was better if he stayed away until decisions could be made. Until then, Gunner was his guard. And until then, trips to the hospital was the only time he got to get out... no seeing friends... no seeing people at TJY... no contact with Hope... and now no Katie.

Slowly, Scott turns around and heads for the door, waving at Jason. "I'll be back tomorrow like usual."

I’ve fallen down a darkened road,
It’s a mystery I feel.
Choices were spread out before me,
Now time can only heal.

"I made these for you." Susanne holds out a brown paper back. "Couple sandwiches and some cookies."

Jason nods for her to set them on the table. "Thanks."

"Make sure you eat them, okay? Rick said you hadn't been eating very well."

"Would you?" Jason groans and leans back in the chair, rubbing his eyes. "Is Reese ready to fire me?"

"For what? Not coming in?" Susanne shakes his head. "No. You're too good, you know that. He's just as satisfied having you here watching his other favorite agent." She gives Jason's shoulder a pat. "Oh, and there's an apple in there too. Rick said to-"

"Be sure and eat it so my sugar stays up," Jason finishes for her. "I know. Thank you."

Susanne chuckles and leaves him be. Walking over to the bed once, she leans down to kiss Katie's forhead. "Come back, Kat. We miss you at the office."

I’m missing all we used to do,
I’m crying for you now.
So do me just one favor.
Please grant my one request…

"Hey, Tiger, settle down."

Ryder stops his pacing in the kitchen. "Talking to me or Henry?"

Laura rolls her eyes. "You." She sets her dishes in the sink. "You haven't been able to sit still since supper."

"Sorry." Ryder leans back against the counter. "I gotta get back to the office and makes sure Thirteen is settled for the night." For the past week, he'd been coming home at night, but he still checked on Thirteen before making sure she was in bed. "I was just thinking though... too quiet around here, ya know?"

"Yeah, I know." Laura leans against the opposite counter, folding her arms. "I keep... wondering what will happen... what the future is. We all hope Katie will come back to us, but... what if she doesn't?" Her voice starts to crack. "I miss her..."

"Me too." Ryder sighs deeply. "But she's a fighter... she'll come back. Besides, she's got a lot of mail waiting to be read."

Laura can't help a laugh as she wipes her eyes. "You sure know how to spoil a sentimental moment, don't you?"

Ryder grins. "Katie wouldn't have it any other way."

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.
Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t stay away.
Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…Come home.

Rick stares at the computer, hitting a few keys and waiting on the results... again. He almost had it... he knew he did. He wasn't even sure why he was working on this... other than at the direct request of Jason. But all the project did was remind him that Katie was still in a coma... there was still a void at TJY.

The machine beeps and Rick groans. "Not again." Why did it seem nothing was going right lately? He sighs. No one ever knew the importance of one person, until they were gone. Nothing seemed right anymore.

Oh the storms around me rage,
And the pain, it cuts me deep.
I don’t want to stay alone down here,
I don’t want to lose it all.
Don’t make me stay alone down here,
Don’t take it all away…

"How is she?"

Hal throws down a tray of food, letting it clang on the interrogation room's table. He glares at Gage. They hadn't gotten rid of their prisoners yet. Interrogations weren't finished, and Reese seemed convinced that they would do something with Gage and Alec other than turning them over to the police yet. At least Gage had quit whining about wanting a fix. "Why should you care?"

Gage looks down, curling up tighter on the cot he'd been provided. "Never mind. I just wanted to know."

"There's no change," Hal finally answers. "No thanks to you."

"Hey, I didn't want to put her in a coma!"

"You certainly didn't help any, now did you?" Hal heads back for the door. "See you tomorrow."

Gage grits his teeth as the door slams shut again. He'd lost track of the days. No one would tell him anything. All they did was ignore him or pump him for information. A least his shakes had stopped, and the headaches weren't as bad. But he'd still do just about anything to get his hands on his drugs again.

Leaning back against the cement wall, he closes his eyes. He kept seeing Katie's beaten face, and a strange stirring crept inside of him. What was right and what was wrong?

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.
Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t stay away.
Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…Come home.
Oh come home…
Darlin’ please come home…
Yeah yeah…

… Come home.

Jason stands to set aside his guitar once more. Easing down on the side of the bed, he knew he could get away with it, while the nurses were out. There was just enough room for him to lay on his side and put his arm around Katie. Leaning his head in close, a tear escapes. They didn't come as frequently now, but when left alone, they were hard to hold back.

His hand finds hers, and he just holds it, releasing all of the warmest emotions he could, and holding back all of the bad. At the very least, he wanted Katie to feel at peace, and he wouldn't let her feel his pain... only his love.

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