
On second thought

Ryder understands, and says no more as he exits the car and waits for Thirteen, to exit her towards the building.

Once inside, it's back across the main floor and to Reese's office...

"I said no, Ryder. End of discussion."

"But can't you just-"

"No!" Reese tries to keep his voice down for Thirteen's sake as the two stood in his office on the other side of his desk. "I will not tolerate Trooper's behavior, whether he was trying to do his job or not. I want him out. If Jason can convince me it won't happen again, I might let him come back, but until then, the dog goes."

The conversation was over. There was nothing more that Ryder could do. He'd tried his best to explain, but Reese had made up his mind.

Taking Thirteen's hand, Ryder pulls her along with him out of the office, as he tries to keep his temper cool. Something not understandable is muttered under his breath. They walk past the cubicles and down the hall, stopping at the little room once more. It looked smaller than normal. Ryder wished he could offer Thirteen more than this.

Letting her go, he prompts her towards the door. He needn't go over what Reese had said, since she'd been there. This was it. They'd both had supper back at the house, so it was time to say goodnight once more.

"Go on. You'll be fine." Ryder isn't sure what Thirteen will do, but he tries to act as though he assumes she really will be fine. He saw her eyes and knew that behind them panic was just waiting to erupt. What if she did? What then? He purses his lips. "You know you can call me if anything happens, okay?"

Carson chuckles and shakes his head at Katie. "You just get better, okay? I better get out of here. You two take care of yourselves."

"Yeah, thanks." Jason watches him leave, then turns back to Katie, offering her a small smile. "You've got a lot of people who care about you, ya know. Who would have thought tough ol' Carson would have such a soft spot for you?"

He leans forward a little in his chair, taking Katie's hand once again. "Not that it's hard having a soft spot for you."

Alec's eyes narrow as he receives Ryan's responses. His slight pity for himself was quickly being replaced by irritation.

"You know what..." He holds his arms out to the side and looks into the car through the open passenger window, his tone remaining calm. "I never said I was trying to get anyone to like me. As far as the know-it-all act goes, you're doing a pretty good job at it yourself, so you can quit pointing a finger at my "macho" behavior and look in the mirror."

He shakes his head and lets his arms drop. "I might let people boss me around when I'm drunk, but not when I'm sober. I though I'd take you up on your offer, but on second thought... I really don't want to be ordered around, so... thanks but no thanks. I'll get you back for the coffee sometime."

Giving a half-hearted wave, Alec turns on his heel and heads down the sidewalk with no destination.

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