

Looking to Alec Ryan shakes her head and lets out her own mocking laugh. He was being an idiot. And was treating her like some little kid that in itself annoyed her.

"You have no idea about what I do, and what kind of dangers I put myself in. So why don't you knock off the macho know it all act thats not a way to get a person to like you."

Moving her glasses to her head again A flam seemed to flicker in Ryan's eyes but not one that held anger, maybe a hit of annoyance, and showed just how much spunk she had. The flame aganst the hunny color in her eyes made them shine and only enhance them a little more making them stand out.

Leaning with her both hands on the front of her car she looks across to Alec as her hair falls around her shoulders.

"As for what they want you for I could really give a rats butt, and I never calmed to know...As for who you are, I am figuring out who you are right now as we talk. Because whats done in the past is the past its here and now that matter. Oh yeah one more thing my club, I dont have a club I stand alone, and sponser myself when I race. So unless you want to stand out here in the blistering sun all day get in the car."

Ryan didnt really apreshate Alec's nonshlont insaults and it put her on edge a little for a moment. She had to deal with enough stuff outside the auto shop.

With a slight sigh Ryan pushes off the car Ryan opens the door and gets in. Starting the car up she brings the engine to life waiting for Alec.

Thirteen looks to the TJY building and than back down at her hands. Her day out went pretty well and she only had one or two panics but it was nothing as bad as before.

Alone....she didnt like being alone, but she new sooner or later is was going to come to it.

Letting out a small sigh Thirteen looked up at Ryder for a moment. He'd said he had been proud of her today and how well she had did out, now faced with being alone she felt like she was going to crumble.

"I'll go with you to talk to Reese. I dont want to be alone yet."

Giving a laugh at Carson Katie smiles grows. It was good to see her friends again. To know people cares but it was even better to have them make her smile even if it hurt a little.

"Mmmm....pizza thats one hundred times better than this food."

Katie looks down at the food on the tray and lifts her good side of her face in a duscusted mannor for a moment before looking up again.

"I dont think ever Trooper would eat this."

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