
Ok I'll try

Going to take a bit of the samwhich Thirteen stops hearing her name and giving a small jump. Looking at Ryder as he takes it, it was almost like when you take and ice cream from someone who was so looking forward to it. But hearing he would bring another she gives a small nod and than thinks about the apple juice.

"Apple Juice?"

Her own mind conjure up what apple juice might be and the thought of stuffing an apple in a glass was funny to her and it made her giggle just a little before looking to Ryder again.

"Ok, I'll try it."

Giving a small sigh Misty continues to look across the table at Carson. He had so much going on and so much turmoil inside of him. She couldnt help but feel bad for him.

"Your brother, you talk to him but prison I dont think you can do anything about that. He made his choose and now has to pay the price."

Taking another sip of her coffee she is quiet for a moment before continuing.

"As for your daughter give her your address and let her write you. Maybe you can even set something up so you can see her once a year or something. I know you wanna keep her out of danger, and you wanna do whats best but she is your daughter and just for that fact alone, with or without you she is in danger. So write to her, and keep the lines of communication open. Everything else will fall into place."

Getting up Misty comes around the table and slides into the booth with Carson. Putting an arm around his shoulders she gives the one a slight rub.

"Your doing so good, and you have become so strong. Its ok to break down sometimes. Its not a bad thing. Only means you human after all."

Feeling Kyle's emotional state Alice just holds him for a long while. She didnt know how long they were standing there, and she didnt much care. Being told your friend was walking the line of death was so hard, and she new it all to well.

Finally pulling away she looked up at Kyle and gave a small smile reaching her hand up and whipe away the small tear.

"She'll be ok Kyle, if God didnt want her to live she wouldnt have made it this far."

Alice didnt know if her words would help or not but she could only hope. Kyle had been through alot latly she just wanted things to get better for him even just a little bit.

"Come on, how about you ride with me and maybe we can grab some ice cream on the way than catch up with the others again?!"

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