

As Alice jumps and looks to Hunter, he catches a look that passes in her eyes. Suddenly, he second guesses his decision to try and comfort her.

Pulling back his hand, he bites his lip. "Sorry for startling you," he apologizes.

Receiving her "no" to him driving, he can't help but be just a little bit disappointed, though he offers a warm smile anyway. "Okay... if you need anything, just call one of us, alright?"

He opens the door and slips out again, pausing before shutting the door. Looking her in the eye, he wonders if perhaps he misjudged her and how comfortable she was with him. "See you at our next stop." He shuts the door and gives her a little wave to accompany his smile before heading back to the bus.

Kyle feels someone watching him, and opens his eyes. Hunter was standing in the doorway. Kyle quirks an eyebrow. "Thought you were gonna drive Alice."

Hunter shakes his head. "No... she didn't want me to." He studies Kyle for a moment, still thinking about seeing Alice crying. "So what did you say that got her so upset?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she was fine, then after she talked to you, she's in tears."

"She is?" Kyle felt even worse than he had earlier. His stupid text message probably didn't mean a thing to her. "Well I didn't say much, so I don't know."

Hunter frowns at him. "I think you do."

"Look, she just shared some stuff that surprised me, alright?"

"Yeah well... I'm sure it wasn't easy for her, so cut her some slack, eh?"

"Sure, but I..." Kyle stops, turning on his side to see Hunter more clearly. "Wait... you know what she told me?"

Hunter folds his arms. "I was just making an assumption."

"No, I mean... you said it wasn't easy for her. What wasn't easy for her?"

Now Hunter realizes his mistake. "Just... whatever it was. Apparently something wasn't easy, that's all."

"No..." Kyle shakes his head slowly. "You did know, didn't you?" He searches Hunter's eyes, finding the truth to his question. "You knew about her past."

"Okay, yeah, but it was just-"

"Well, congratulations." Kyle turns back over, dismissing Hunter. "Apparently you rank higher than best friend."

"I..." Hunter rolls his eyes and backs off. "If that were the case, she wouldn't have wanted me to leave," he mumbles. Sighing, he leaves the cubby to find a place to sit before the bus moved again.

Kyle stares out the window, feeling miserable. He didn't know if it was more from just feeling physically rotten, or if it was all his mood.

Reese nods, following Phinox's train of thought. "I don't think there's a much better way to do it at this point. You're right about Derek and Jay - if we bind them beforehand, the Agency won't have to, and they'll still have a chance of getting away. We need to decide how we're going to present you to them too. You're going to have to act fast."

Derek and Jay both exchange glances, both mentally preparing for the chance that they might not make it back.

Reese continues. "Okay... the first team needs to leave early... if they run into trouble, we'll be right on their heels. But hopefully our times will overlap so whoever is there will be distracted enough that Jason and Scott can get Katie out of there under their noses." He thumbs to an empty desk. "Scott, you and Jason need to get to know the layout of the building so you can get in and out quickly."

"As soon as he comes out yeah... but I can take a look now too."

Reese purses his lips grimly, knowing that in all reality, prayer was the only thing that would get them through this. "Phinox, I appreciate what you're doing here. You're risking a lot, letting yourself be handed over like a prisoner."

Jason leans over the bathroom sink, and splashes his face with cold water. He was totally exhausted, totally drained. His mind was shot, and now his body wasn't even doing so great. Just when he thinks he can go back to his desk, his stomach decides it isn't over yet. Back to the toilet to throw up again.

Rick crosses his arms as he stands in the doorway, not having bothered to knock. The symptoms should be over soon. Then only time would tell how long it would take to get the antidote to wear off.

Gage continues to shake, curling up tighter on the floor and still glaring at the camera. His wrist burned and now his hand was starting to swell as well. What was going to happen to him? Were they going to torture him? Kill him? Surely someone would come for him... maybe Harris... or even Troy himself... surely they would get him out of here... right? They were his family and they cared about him... so they would come... they wouldn't leave him to die... right?

Mick sticks his head through the house door and spots Rosetta in the kitchen. Grinning, he slips quietly inside, easing up behind her almost silently. Sliding his arms around her waist, he leans over her shoulder to give her cheek a kiss. "Hello, sunshine."

Still grinning, he turns her to face him, his arms still around her. "BJ and I are going to run some errands in town. Need anything?"

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