
Just tired

Jason's eyes narrow, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. He didn't like Phinox's words or tone. He didn't like it that Reese had thrown him together with a stranger, and he didn't like it that he was being challenged.

"Look I don't know where you rank in the secret service, but while you're working with the Elite, you're going to work under our rules..."

Jason's tone is harsh. On a better day, he wouldn't have taken things so personally, but right now, he was angry, tired and scared. He didn't care what he sounded like. He was in work mode and would not be swayed until they found Katie. Phinox might have been older, but Jason had no problem being the leader on this excursion. Nate wasn't here, so he was going to do what he deemed best.

He slows to a stop at a stoplight, waiting to move on as they left the town behind. Trooper gives a low growl, sensing Jason's tension and not liking it.

"...And while you're in here with me, I'm the one in charge. Got it?" Jason glances in Phinox's direction before returning his eyes to the road. "Try to tell me how to do my job, and this corner is where you get off. Keep your mouth shut and do as I say, and you might actually do some good."

The light turns green, but he remains at a standstill. "You in or out? Tell me now so I don't waste my time."

A sharp pain to his temple warns Jason that the antidote wouldn't last forever. They needed to get to their destination and get back before he went down again.

Alec doesn't fight, but stares up at the ceiling, his teeth tightly clamped. Though his eyes water with the pain, he doesn't utter a sound.

Carson shakes his head at Misty's warning to Alec that it would hurt. "Don't worry. He's Agency trained. Pain means nothing."

Though Alec doesn't react, it's evident that he hears Carson's words as a strange look flickers in his eye. Yes, he had been trained to resist pain. If an agent was tortured, they wouldn't talk - learning to endure pain was a security measure.

For some reason, Carson finds himself hanging around the infirmary, though since Rick showed up, he was watched carefully. He wanted to do something on the case for Katie, but at this point, there really wasn't much he could do but wait. He didn't want to go back to the restaurant though - with his luck, as soon as he'd open up, he'd be called in again.

Lying on his back, Alec watches Misty bandage his hand once more. For once, ire did not burn in his stare. His eyes roam upward to look at Misty's face. Still feverish, he wasn't a hundred percent sure what would come out of his mouth. Everything seemed muddled and confused. "Why?" he asks quietly. "If you guys let me die... then you're rid of me with an alibi to the authorities too."

"I'm sorry." Reese grips his phone, his words so sincere. He really was. If he could provide better protection for all of his agents, he would do almost anything in a heartbeat.

Listening to the silence on the other end for a moment, he sighs. "I'll keep you informed."

"Thank you."

"Sure." Hanging up, Reese puts his face in his hands. Jason was out there half-cocked with a newcomer, Nate wasn't in yet, Carson was playing a game between a case and a brother, Scott hadn't been seen in the last half hour... Reese was just tired.

Mick hangs up the phone and just sits in the office for a moment. He swallows hard, trying to gather his thoughts and not jump to conclusions or waste his time on worry. It was hard though.

Finally easing away from the desk, he ambles outside and towards the barn. There wasn't a whole lot going on today. It was relatively quiet. Today, that was a good thing.

Mick finds Rosetta grooming one of the horses in the barn aisle, and he approaches quietly, almost cautiously. Coming around the other side, he leans on the horse's back, looking to the other side at his wife.

Her smile always warmed him inside. Her eyes were never dull.

He glances down, then back up again, knowing that the look on his face had probably already given away that something was wrong. He remains leaning on the horse. "I just got off the phone with Reese..."

Mick stops, rethinking his words. "Rosetta... Katie's been taken. They think it's the Agency."

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