
Clean Sweep

Continuing to watch Jason Phinox hardly even blinks at Jason's comment to him. It would more than a little cold, and harsh words to get under his thick skin. He'd faced so much already that this arrogent agent was hardly even a bump, but Phinox wouldnt underestamate him or that would be his first mistake.

"You better keep me on more than a need to know bases if you wanna find your girl. I am here to help and thats that so it would be easyer for us both if you cut the matcho crap and we worked as a team."

Phinox ment what he said as the passion ran through his eyes. Filled with emotion, his eyes begged to be trusted yet in the back of his own mind there was a tug that this could all end badly and than it would be on his own head, and the blood would be on his hands. That couldnt stop him though, that wasnt an option. He would succsed one way or another.

"So we have matching IDs on the van that link both, but we arnt sure 100% about it being the right one. I bet anything they are going to know who you are the moment they see you and who knows what will go down than. Maybe I should go in there first seeing as they wont know who I am they wont think anything. I can get some information and than we can go on that. They wont run, we wont have a mess. It can be a clean sweep."

Looking up to see Carson Misty gives a small smile before turning back to Alec and taking the bandage from his hand. Looking at the cut and poking at it a few places Misty can see its is a pretty bad infection.

"It looks like it's a pretty bad infection. He wont die from it, but he'll be in alot of pain and if we want him to keep all his limbs its a good thing I caught it now."

Moving around the infermary Misty gets a few things. She needed to work on Alec's hand quickly before it got any worse. Though she new this was going to hurt she new it had to be done.

"This is going to hurt a little."

Taking the achohal in hand she slowly pours it over the wound cringing herself at just thinking about how much it hurt. Than taking a saring Misty gives Alec another shot to help fight the infection before closing up the wound once again and wrapping it.

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