
Hoof it

Seeing Rosetta crumble, Mick instantly moves to duck under the ropes and go to her. Hearing the horse's nervousness though, he stops, thinking quickly. The foal gave a nicker from the stall. Mick knew better than to keep the two separated for more than a few minutes at a time before weening - them getting any more nervous right now wouldn't help anything.

Moving quickly, Mick unhooks the mare from the crossties, taking her to the stall to reunite her with her foal once more. Letting her go, he shuts the door again and turns back to Rosetta.

Dropping to a knee in front of her, Mick reaches out and takes her hands, forcing her to look at him. He stares up into her eyes, his own full of worry, but backed with strength. "They're going to find her," he states as if it were a fact. "The best are on it, including Jason."

His fingers tighten around hers. He hated to see her cry. It tore his heart every time, no matter what the cause was. "Don't let the Agency take you down too. It's going to be okay."

Under the influence of meds, Alec has little control over his emotions. As he looks at Misty, his eyes fill with a strange look... perhaps one of longing... maybe disappointment for decisions made... maybe regret... confusion for her compassion... but not resistant to it. It had been a long time since someone had been this gentle with him.

His eyelids start to droop, but his body fights to stay awake. "Two wrongs," he repeats, mumbling almost incoherently. "But..." His eyes fall shut. "All I have... have is... prison..."

Feeling the warm blanket, Alec's head sinks further into his pillow, his body relaxing. It wasn't the meds that calmed him, but Misty's voice.

On the other end of the room, Carson stands up, a little annoyed with what was happening. While he didn't want anyone to die, pampering Alec just didn't seem to set right with him either.

He turns to leave, but a hand on his arm makes him stop. Looking at Rick, he lifts an eyebrow with question.

Rick looks back at him with a sternness wrapped in compassion. "Don't forget who you were once, Carson," he warns gently. "You defeated the bad guy inside of you, but you didn't do it on your own. Others deserve the same chance you had."

Carson's first reaction is to snap back at Rick with a comment as to just why Alec deserved no mercy, but Rick's words were too true. They cut him to the quick, putting him in his place. His shoulders drop. "Yeah... I know," he relents. "I'll be around here somewhere... you guys call me if you need anything." Leaving the infirmary, he heads quietly towards the exit. A few minutes outside for a breather sounded good. But his craving was getting the best of him once again.

Jason slowly shakes his head. He had enough to worry about without this guy not letting him lead his own mission. He was more angry with Reese for partnering him up with Phinox than he was with Phinox himself. But either way, his fuse was too short for words like this today.

"That's it," he mutters.

Yanking the steering wheel to the right, he turns the corner and pulls his truck onto the shoulder of the road, throwing it in part. "Out," he orders. "You gonna buck me, then you walk." He knew that on foot it would take a good hour to get where they were going. That would give him plenty of time to do the job he needed to do. If Phinox headed in that direction, fine. If not, fine. He really didn't care.

Jason's cell phone rings. He glances down to see a TJY number. He knew it was Reese's line. He ignores the call and looks to Phinox again. "This is my mission, Phinox, and whether you like it or not, if you're with me, I'm in charge. Can't hack it, then hoof it. But make up your mind fast whether you're gonna shut up or get out of my way."

Trooper sits up in the back seat with barely enough head room. He leans forward, the hairs on his neck starting to rise.

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