
Too bad

Reese takes hold of Alec, ready to take him back to the holding cell.

"Aw come on!" Alec complains. "You can't keep me here forever!"

"Actually... we have permission to keep you here as long as we deem you to be valuable." Reese aims him for the door. "Come on."

"I've told you everything I know! Why can't that be enough?!"

"Because... people like you always have more." Reese's tone is calm as he continues to push Alec down the hall. It isn't hard. Alec was getting groggy already. By the time they reach the holding cell, Alec is ready to just lie on the cot, fighting sleep for only a few minutes before he's out cold.

Shaking his head, Reese goes back upstairs. He didn't know the details, but seeing Carson so upset... had Reese been right to ask Carson to come back to the force? Maybe he had been premature. Carson had changed, no doubt, but seeing his temper again... now Reese wasn't so sure that having him here was totally a good idea.

Carson stalks outside and into the parking lot. Leaning back against the brick building, all is quiet. It was very late... or rather "early" was more like it now. The outdoors were dark... and he was miserable. Alec had just pushed the right buttons... had said just the right things... he deserved what he got!

But Carson again sees the look in Misty's eyey. Sighing, he goes for his pack of cigarettes. His nerves would be calm for the drive home.

Jason agrees with Nate and collects all the information he cam to take back to TJY. Before he knows it, they're pulling back into the TJY parking lot.

The steel doors open slowly, letting in a dim stream of light. The Agency operative enters slowly, letting the door fall shut again. Pulling on a thin chain, a little light comes on to reveal the dingy cell. The damp air smelled musty. Dripping water could be heard in the corner.

Gage approaches the pole where Katie was held. His dark eyes study her as he walks. Putting the syringe between his teeth to hold, he reaches out to roll up her sleeve. He could see where the ropes had dug into her wrists, making them bleed. Gripping her arm tightly, he finds the spot he wants, and retrieves the syringe. It was obvious he'd done this before... a long time before Katie had arrived.

A lock of his dark hair hung down over his forehead. His hands were rough on Katie's skin, his grip unforgiving. The needle pierces her skin and the Eliminator is injected once more.

"Hurts now," he mutters under his breath. "But it'd hurt a whole lot more if you didn't have it. It's like a bad drug. Don't want it, but can't live without it."

Backing up a step, he puts a finger under Katie's chin to lift her face. "Too bad you're pretty." He lets his hand drop again. "But don't worry. If everyone cooperates, you'll get out of here before you're too messed up."

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