

Giving a little start as Carson loses his temper Misty just stands almost frozen in place. Misty hadnt seen Carson like this in a long time. He wasnt being forward, he wasnt being stern he was just being down right mean, and had blown his top. For a moment it put a fear into Misty that she didnt like.

Everything happens to fast and though Misty says Carson's name is goes unhurd, and she is powerless to stop anything. One thing leads to the next till finally Reese steps in and Misty lets out a small sigh happy her Uncle came when he did before someone became hurt.

As Carson is told to go home Misty steps forward to talk to him but stops as she receves the glair from Carson. She cant help the emotions that rise inside of her at the look. It made her feel horrable. Maybe she had done something wrong this time.

Trying to keep the feelings at bay Misty turns again looking down at the blood soaked bandage on Alecs hand. A new anger rose as she new he had done this knowing he would get under Carson's skin.

Getting a few more bandages, and another needle and thread Misty goes to work on Alec's hand once again this time not being as careful as she had been before.

"That wasnt a very nice think you did getting under Carson's skin like that. You'd better watch it or someone might really knock you out for it."

Once Alec's hand is stiched and wrapped again Misty lets out a small sigh. She was tired and worryed about Katie and still Alec seemed to rub her the wrong way with what had happend moment before. She new the pain killed and sleeping pills she had giving him would kick in soon and at least for now he would be knocked out.

Turning to her Uncle she gives a nod to him.

"He can go back to the holding cell now."

Looking back to Alec a look of disapointment but sterness for the rules flashed for in her eyes as the tiny flames flicker. Keeping her voice strong and in controlle she looks back to Reese.

"After the show he just put on and the games he played I am sure he will be fine. I'll keep an eye on him through the camras. He will be knocked out shortly anyways."

Feeling his phone ring Nate just lets it go to voicemail for the moment. He would check in a second when he was done with Jason.

"Yeah have Scott run that and take a sample of the oil. Sometimes you can learn alot from simple things. At this point anything that can lead us forward is a good thing."

Nate really ment that. Having some kind of hope would help them stay strong and hold there heads up. He'd take anything at this point. Though it had not even been a day yet that Katie had been gone it was still to long for his liking.

Stepping away for a moment Nate pulls out his phone and see the voice mail is from Laura. Listing to the mail Nate cant help but be a little shocked that Laura said she would be staying at his house but at the same time it made Nate smile, and his heart jump a little bit that Laura was trusting him enough to stay there. Even in the mits of the darkend night, a little light shone through to show not all of the world was dark.

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