

Looking up from her desk as Hal comes in with Alec a grin forms on her lips that is gone as quick as it came. Standing Misty grabs a few items for Alec's hand.

"You know Carson have every right to be there as much as the next person when it came to trying to find answers about Katie seeing as Jason asked him to be on the case. I trusted him not to hurt Alec to badly as well, maybe you do the same."

Turning her back to Hal Misty starts to work on Alec's hand she didnt want to argue, and she didnt want to fight it had been a late night and everyone was on edge. She had said her peace and that was that.

Taking a closer look at Alec's hand Misty can see how deep the cut is and knows she will need to stick it up. Tuning around once again she prepairs a needle to numb Alec's hand and gets a needle and some thread.

"All honestly here Alec your pretty lucky. That cut is pretty deep, any deeper and it would of cut your tendin and there would of been a good possibility you could never use your hand again."

Within no time Misty is finishing up the last stich on Alec's hand. She worked quickly and made sure there were snug before wrapping his hand up in some gause.

"Try not to open and close your hand to much and in a few days I'll check on it."

Carrying two cups of coffee Jamie can spot Con's big frame from around Laura's cubicle. Walking slowly Jamie makes sure she is not interupting anything. Giving a smile to Laura and than to Con the best one she could muster she holds out both cups of coffee.

"Its gonna be a long night. I thought maybe a little boost we be nice for us all."

Looking between Con and Laura again Jamie lets out a soft worryed sigh.

"Anything yet?"

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