

"Ha...you do that and if you need it I have a packet of ketchup here on the floor..."

Alice moves her foot a little that was not on the gas pettle to here a poping sound. Her eyes opening wide she cant help the laugh.

"...never mind unless you wanna whip it up off the floor of my jeep."

Finally ending the call so she could consintrate on driving Alice shakes her head a little the smile was bigger than ever on her face. This was going to be a blast, more than she exspected.

I'm on my way.

Katie gets up from her cubicle and wonders down the hallway making her way into the control room.

Squinting just a little Katie looks at the screen as she makes her way into the room. Coming up behind Jason she didnt say anything knowing he would feel a little more that she was there.

Does he have what I think he does in his hand?

Continuing to watch on Katie's own question is answered. A bit impressed by Ryder's skill to get Alec to talk Katie nods just a little to herself.

Have to addmit that was pretty smart thinking. We should keep Ryder around here he could come in handy for a few things.

Finally as the whole thing comes to an end Katie mouth hangs open finding out Alec's last name. Something told her Carson didnt know anything about him and it was going to be just as much a shock to him.

I...dont think he knows about Alec. When he gave us his history he said his family besides Dani was killed. Wow...this is....wow.

Laying in the bed Angel's shiver stop, and her breathing seems to become a little more normal though her eyes were still closed like she was in a deep sleep.

Seeing the slight change in Angel Misty makes her way over checking there pashent out from head to toe once again. Giving a small nod she looks up to everyone.

"Angel is not out of the woods yet but her breathing has become normal once again and her heart rate is down and that is a good thing. I do believe the antidote is starting to work. I'll stay here the rest of the night to keep an eye on her and make sure she continues to do alright."

Giving a smile Misty gives Luke a small pat on the shoulder. Though Angel was farm from ok she was getting better and this was hope that she would be alright. She new Luke had been through so much now if he could only hold out for a little longer as well.

After interductions are made and jokes are finished Charlotte couldnt deny she was having a blast more fun than she though she would.

As Bret makes his way out to the car Charlotte slips the head set on excited to finally see him behind the wheel. Leaning on the metal railing that outlined the track Charlotte watches Bret intently throwing in her own humor here and there.

"You know Babe, my grandmother could drive faster than that, how about you pick it up a bit."

Enjoying the good time, and watching Bret Charlotte feels right in at home joking with the others like she was one of the guys. Not bothering to make her own comment about Maria. Though it had been a sad loss for her, it had been a great gain for Charlotte that she wouldnt change for anything in the world.

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