

Laura eases down in her desk chair, letting out a long sigh. She turns on her computer and waits for it to boot up, swiveling in her chair a little. She knew Reese would probably give her a bad time about being back to work already, but she wanted this... she needed this.

Turning, she sees the little picture of Nate that she'd had on her desk for a long time now. Picking it up, she runs a finger over the photo. Emotions welled up inside of her. She opens her drawer and is about to put the picture away, but she stops.

Her eyes glance across the room to Nate's cubicle. She hadn't even said hi to him this morning. It hurt. She looks back at the picture and closes the drawer. The frame was still in her hand. Putting it back where it had been, Laura lets Nate keep smiling from the still shot. She needed that too.

Ryder grins at Katie and goes to put his shoes on. "Anything to keep me busy... you do not want me getting bored."

It doesn't take but a few more minutes until Ryder is following Katie out the door. Stopping at the flower shop, Ryder is quick to get in and out, sliding back into the passenger seat, this time with his hands full.

Before they pull away though, he separates what he's holding to reveal that it was actually two small bouquets. Handing one to Katie, it's full of a variety of yellow flowers. "I can't leave you out." He grins. "And if Jason throws a fit, blame it on the sheila in the shop 'cause she said yellow was best for a friend. So... thank you... for being a friend when I most needed it."

Buckling himself in, Ryder makes sure the other bouquet of mixed colors doesn't go sliding off his lap. On their way again, he keeps his eyes out the windows, taking in his surroundings and trying to memorize it. He still wasn't sure where all the turns were and which directions to go, to get to TJY.

Once there, he follows Katie inside, separating from her once their on the main floor. Looking around, he finally spots Laura's space. Wandering up to her cubicle, he leans over the top. "Well now... nice office."

Laura looks up quickly, and grins. "Ryder. You look like you've been up to mischief."

"As always." Ryder smiles and moves to the doorway, holding out the flowers.

Laura's eyes widen. "For me?"

"Well who else is in here?" Ryder shakes his head. "Of course they are."

Taking the flowers, Laura blushes, but hides it by putting her face down into the flowers to smell their sweetness. ""They're lovely. But why?"

"Does a bloke need an excuse to give a girl flowers?"


"Not this one." Ryder throws her a wink. "Let's just say, I think you deserve them."

"After making a fool out of myself last night?"

"I didn't see a fool."

Laura blushes again under his gaze. "Well... thank you. The flowers are beautiful."

"Just like looking in a mirror, ay?"

Laura looks up quickly, then her eyes narrow good-naturedly. "Now you're being an outright flirt."

"Can't help it. You just bring it out of me."

Laura giggles. "Stop now before I call security."

"Security?" Ryder lifts an eyebrow. "I have a feeling you wouldn't need any. I think I'd rather go with the security for my own protection, rather than face your wrath."

Laura can't help another laugh. "Good. You just keep being afraid then. Now get going before I really get mad."

Ryder grins and straightens to leave. "Your wish is my command."

Laura watches him walk away and just shakes her head, rolling her eyes. But the smile still curls the corner of her mouth. Getting up, she heads for the break room for a glass and some water for the flowers. They would add a cheerful touch to her cubicle today. She needed that too.

Ryder hooks his hands in his pockets and wanders the main floor, greeting a few people and trying to get his bearings. If he couldn't find anything to do, he'd go see what Katie had.

Ambling down the other end, he passes someone he recognizes. While some might turn around and walk the other direction, he didn't. Instead, he stops and gives Nate a nod. "G'day."

"Well... what do you think?" Rick stares down at the little vile that he and Misty had just finished on. He looks to Misty with question. Were they ready to try the antidote? Was it time? And was Angel strong enough to handle anything at all? They had to do something... she didn't have much time left.

"Alice! Woo!" Kyle throws his arms in the air. "The shadow has arrived!"

Some of the others pop their heads around corners out out windows. "Hey hey hey! Welcome!"

Kyle makes a quick job of introductions before getting picked on for taking too long. "Alright alright alright." He rolls his eyes. "We can go now!"

"All aboard!" Jordan shouts and climbs in to sit behind the wheel.

Kyle grins and gives Alice a wave. "I got my phone, so if you need to stop or anything, let us know so we don't lose ya."

"Kyle! Come on!"

"Coming!" Kyle's grin widens as he walks backward, still talking to Alice. "We'll be stopping for lunch and then..."


Spinning around, Kyle sprints the rest of the way to the door, jumping into the bus. Almost immediately, the bus begins to move. As they're pulling out onto the road though, the view into the back window is suddenly overshadowed by a figure moving around, and suddenly a big sign appears and is taped to it. It read, "If you're not Alice, get off our tail." Then Kyle's face appears, plastered on the window to peer down at Alice in her jeep. Hitting a bump though, Kyle suddenly disappears from view.

Con wanders into the house and heads straight to his chair in the living room. Easing down, he just leans back, quietly thinking. Jamie was at work... he was supposed to be out looking for a job, but the deal at the hardware store had fallen through. Instead, he'd gone for his scheduled doctor's appointment, that he hadn't told Jamie about.

Sighing, he finally takes off his jacket, and throws his keys on the end table. What would the future bring now? Never had he pictured himself in this position. Never had he thought that he would have to face this kind of thing. It went against everything he knew... everything he wanted to do. Why him?

After sitting for a while, Con moves from the chair to the couch, lying on his stomach with a throw pillow tucked under his head. He didn't used to take naps. But today he was too tired not to.

"You mean this is her? You finally brought her? You actually did it?" A smile spreads across Landon's lips and he offers a hand to Charlotte. "This man of yours has been bragging about you the last ten times he's been out here, and every time there's been a new excuse as to why you weren't here." A mischievous glint enters his eyes. "For a while there, I thought maybe you were a figment of his imagination."

"Oh, stop." Bret gives Landon's arm a whack. "Each time it was legit and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah. Always gotta win, don't you?"


Landon shakes his head and sets his hands on his hips. "Well, Mrs. Bret Sterling Parker, you have entered our domain." He spreads out his arms, surveying the main track, the stands, and the adjoining dirt arena.

As he does, his eye catches movement on the far side of the track. "Uh-oh. Wildcat is back."

Bret cringes a little. He'd told Charlotte that Maria was around, and had hoped that this morning at least, the track would be free from her snotty remarks. He may have told Charlotte that his ex hung around the track, but he hadn't exactly told her about all the unwanted interaction. "Yeah, well..." He directs a stern look to Landon. "Let's just keep her claws aimed in another direction, shall we?"

Landon grins again. "As if we have control over that."

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