

Listing to what Carson said Misty cant help be a little surprised. This all was so heavy and confusing being pulled one way and another.

Leaning aganst the wall Misty lets out a sigh. She felt bad for Carson and new this had to me tough on him.

"I was going to work a little late but I should be out before the restront closes and I can bring some movies with me."

Walking closer to Carson Misty puts her hand on his arm giving him a reassuring smile.

"Its gonne work out u know that. Its just getting to that point. Its never easy you know but doing the right thing is a must no matter what."

Continuing to smile at Kyle Alice cant help the but let a little sympathy show. She felt bad for Kyle relizing that this really wasnt what he wanted to do anymore. Often people ran away from there problems thinking it would fix them but all it did in the long run was make it worse.

Pulling out her cell Alice holds it for just a moment before holding it out to Kyle. She didnt know if he had actully talked to anyone in a while but maybe it would help.

"Why dont you try calling them? If not your family than why not one of your friends? I bet they would like to hear from you."

Continuing to smile like she always did Alice throws her arm around Kyle's shoulders and ruffles his hair a little.

"I think you need a vacation, or maybe..."

Alice lowers her voice a little.

"...maybe a water balloon fight.."

She cant help her laughter at the comment just thinking about it made her laugh alot. Invising everyone all soping wet. It just struck her funny bone.

"Oh....want some tylanol for that headache?"

Looking down the way a little Alice takes note to a fariswheel that is down the way on the beach and a smile cross her face. She know she was being spontaineus, and maybe even a little crazy but that didnt bother her.

Knowing her laptop would be ok with the other Alice pops up and holds out her hand for Kyle to take the energy in her eyes.

"Come on you need to do something on a whim, we are going for a ride."

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