

Standing Nate smiles again and goes over to Laura bending down in front of her still holding her head. His eyes sparkle and what would happend next one might guess but it was far from what would be going on.

"It's ok, I think I good place to pick up again would be here."

Leaning in Nate looks deep into Laura's eyes. His emotion flooded forth and his love showed. Just being this close to Laura gave him chills that he wouldnt trade for anything. He loved the way she made him feel.

Coming close Nate's finger gently cradle Laura's face as he moves slowly but closer to Laura till finally his lips meet hers. Every so slowly letting his emotions show. With everything Laura had been through he didnt want to go to fast.

Finally pulling away from her he rests his forhead agains her and continues to look into Laura's eyes.

"I think that was a good place to pick up dont you?"

Giving a smile and a nod Aerith heads into the back back to get a fresh glass when she hears the door to Mom and Pop's open. Looking up through the window she see Carson and she eyes him for only a moment before looking back down at what she was doing.

Looking up again as Carson comes into the kitchen Aerith gives a nod an emotion flickering in her eyes for a moment about the whole situation.

"Yeah I will its not a problem. I hasnt been to busy today so I think you should be ok."

Bringing the glass out of the kitchen again Aerith gives a smile to the little girl as she bends into the ice cream pin to put it into the glass than adding some milk. Bringing it back to the counter Aerith sets it down for the little girl.

"Well thats a shame if you dont want it...I put extra strawberrys in it and everything for you. By the way my name is Aerith."

Aerith gaves a smile as some more people walk into the door and than gives a slight nod to the one infront of her with the milkshake. Grabbing a few milkshakes she turns to her little friend again.

"How about you finish the milkshake and than help me out? I'll even give you some of the tips that I get!"

Maybe keeping the girls mind off what was going on around her would help a little. She felt bad for her and couldnt help but have a bit of simpathy.

Sitting down under a tree where is was quiet and shaded Alice holds her laptop as she types away. Keeping an eye on everything around her she wtaches Kyle, and some of the others as they interact.

Today had been a more quiet day for her as she wasnt as talkitive and her own mind traviled alse where.

As Kyle comes and sits down next to her Alice closes her laptop in time to see him steal a chip. Placing her laptop aside she gives Kyle a strong nudge with her shoulder as a laugh makes its way out.

"You know, you could of asked for one and I would of givin it to you, you silly wild thing."

Still looking at Kyle a more searous look pass through her eyes as she continues to smile at Kyle.

"How are you doing today?"

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