

Feeling the tention shift in the car Alice knows that this must be a touchy subject for Kyle. Keeping the smile on her face like normal she just waits.

Since Alice had meet Kyle she felt like she had known him for years and was his best friend. The feeling was strange to be connected to someone so fast but she couldnt help but feel that was part of God's plan.

Continuing to wait Alice dosnt rush it. She didnt want to push Kyle on this matter because she new it must be a delicate on.

When handed the bottle Alice turns to read it just a little. She couldnt help but open her eyes just a little in saprise at the content. Giving a sidelong glance to Kyler her energy was still pumping and her smile still ferm but her tone was much softer now.

"Anti-depressentes? Your depressed? You dont see very depressed to me or is that because you take these?"

Alice couldnt help but ask questions it was in her nature though she wasnt upset, or put off by them at all only a bit saprised.

Receving Jason's message Katie gives a smile. It was good to hear from Jason always and it was good to know Angel was going to be ok.

Thanks for letting me know J.

Feeling the lack of enthuseasum in Jason's thoughts Katie stops for a moment from working. The last few says something had been differnt though she wasnt sure what it was or why.

J, is everything ok? The last few days you have been pretty quiet.

Looking up to meet Axel's eyes Jess gives a smile. Just feeling him close braught a hole new feeling to her that she likes. When he touched her hair, or her arm it was like a rush ran through her body.

"I think I want to stay just a little while longer so I dont have to be saparated from you by a car."

Jess steps forward and lays a hand on his chest over his heart. She could feel it beating and even that seemed so differnt, but felt good.

"I can feel your heart beating."

Leaning her head aganst Axel Jess wraps her arms around him just letting her feelings wash over her as she enjoys it.

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