

Jason's mind still wanders a bit, wanting to accept Katie's reassurance, but finding it just a little difficult to believe. He was still hurt that she'd kissed another man, even if it had been Ryder's doing.

Katie's kiss was as soft and warm as always, and Jason looks up at her, the emotions filling his eyes. She was right... they just didn't have any fun anymore. Part of it was their job. Part of it was the turmoil in the lives around them. Part of it was lack of time. But if they couldn't find opportunities to relax and just enjoy each other, their relationship would only continue to be strained.

Reaching out, Jason takes Katie to pull her sideways onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he buries his head on her shoulder. With all his own stress lately, he hadn't paid enough attention to them.

Closing his eyes, he just holds Katie, slowly opening up the channels of his emotions until they flowed freely. In them were the frustrations and pains that had been plaguing him for the last few months, and the last few days as well. He needed to let them go... let them out before they caused another eruption.

It hurt, letting them out. It always did. But as the negativity starts to recede, warmth comes to replace it. It was a deep, soothing warmth that could only come from love. And he lets it flow just as strongly, his gift to Katie.

Next time you want someone else because we're not enough... tell me before your lips meet, so I can at least have a chance to make things right.

He wanted to be able to trust her. Perhaps without realizing it, there was a fear there, connected to the past when he had lost her to Scott. He didn't want to be selfish, and he didn't want to hold her tightly in his grips, not allowing her freedom. But this had been a warning flag to him, and he just wanted to make sure they were okay... that he wouldn't find out yet again that she'd found someone else.

I don't want to lose you... No one else could be my hero.

Rick smiles at Angel, the relief still present. Having her awake couldn't have made him more happy. "You don't know how glad I am to hear that."

He comes over to check her vitals, and nods with satisfaction."You're recovering quickly. That's a good thing."

Luke catches Angel's eye and returns her smile, though just a little wearily. He'd hardly gotten any sleep at all since they'd been in Nevada, and it was starting to show. But he wasn't going to crash yet... he had to get his love home and safe before he would let himself relax.

Glancing behind him, he realizes that he hadn't seen Jeff in a while. "Rick... you seen Jeff?"

"Um... not since this morning."

Luke furrows his brow. "Odd." He shrugs, turning back to Angel, and leaning close, resting against the side of the bed, from his chair. "I need to tell you," he relates quietly, "that we didn't tell Wendy about any of this. I thought it best until we knew for sure which way this thing was going to go. I didn't want her to get worked up."

Alec sits on the cot crosslegged, leaned back against the cold, hard wall. The holding cell was quiet. He'd given up on his tantrums. He'd given up hope of ever getting out of here now. They'd gotten what they wanted out of him - he'd caved after being tricked by Ryder. And now the realization had hit him that even if he were released, the Agency would surely want him dead. Perhaps being put behind bars would be the better option. But even that wouldn't last all that long since he hadn't killed anybody. All he'd done was break into someone's house and threatened.

He sighs and stares up at the ceiling. It had been a long time since he'd felt lonely... was that what he was feeling? He was independent and self-sufficient. He shouldn't feel lonely. But he couldn't deny the strange ache that had settled inside of him.

Ryder wanders up the walk to the house, feeling just a little bit tipsy but not enough to stagger. Getting to thet door and trying the knob, he groans. Everyone had locked up this morning when leaving for work. And he didn't have a key.
Sighing, he goes for the porch swing and eases down, stretching out. It was warm out this evening. If he closed his eyes, he could almost pretend he was back home. The sounds of the town made it difficult though. Regardless, he'd just stay and wait until Katie or Laura got home.

Carson sits across from Misty at the diner, his hand spinning his glass on the table, not even realizing he was doing it. He and Aerith had closed up Mom and Pop's just a little early tonight, giving him time for a late supper with Misty. But his mind was a million miles away. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop worrying about Herb. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Mackenzie's face out of his mind.

Looking up, he catches Misty's eye, and a grin quirks his mouth. "I'm not much company tonight am I? Sorry." He leans back in his chair with a sigh. "Can we go back to your place and watch a movie?"

He lets a teasing glint come to his eyes. "No better distraction than curling up on the couch with a sassy sheila."

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