

Pulling out her phone Mable exits the hospetil tears streak her face as she has dark circles under her eyes proving she had been there for a while.

Dialing Carson she hated bothing him right now when she new he was busy but it was an emergncy. Waiting for Carson to answer.

"Carson, I am so sorry to bother you I know you took time off and all but I wanted to let you know there has been an emergncy. Carson Herb had a heart attack. We think he is going to be ok but he needs to stay in the hospetal for a few days."

Mable is quiet as she sucks in a deep breath her voice wavering just a little.

"Aerith is back at the restront at the moment and its not busy yet but do you think you can go check on her and help her out for me? I can give you a key as well and if you can open the next few days. Aerith said she would be there to help you too. and when I know more I will tell ya."

Wrap her arms around Carson Misty brings herself closer to him.

"That past might always come back to haunt you but I have no doubt who you are anymore...I'll always be here with you no matter w..."

As Misty continues to talk she is cut off by Carson's phone ringing.

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