
The morning of many

Carson didn't want to make a big deal out of this, but Misty's pausing the movie proved that it was big enough to at least pay attention.

Looking back at her, he tries to figure out exactly what she's saying. She missed the spunk? He wasn't stupid... he knew what that meant. She missed the old him? But... why? Everything he'd done... the man he'd been was so... wrong... wasn't it? Why would she want that back? Giving in would just be a compromise that he couldn't make. One move towards his old actions and he was liable to slip and fall again... wasn't he?

It just felt all wrong. Carson hangs his head. He wanted to be what Misty wanted him to be. Was her simply being happy enough? Or was there enough she missed to make things fall apart? He wondered.

Raising his eyes again, he forces half a smile to the surface. "I'm happy when I'm around you too." His response skips over her longing for the old him. He didn't know how to answer that part of what she'd said.

Letting the whole thing drop, he reaches over her for the remote and turns the movie back on. Setting the remote on the table, he flops back and slings an arm around Misty's shoulders to bring her down next to him where he can plant a kiss on the top of her head. The rest of the movie would be enjoyed, then he would go home. He'd revisit this conversation later when he felt more like thinking about it. For now... for now he just wanted to enjoy Misty's company.

David gives a little shrug to Marge's invitation and finally sinks down in a chair opposite her. "Why not. Looks like I lost my company for the night anyway."

He signals to a caterer walking by that he'd like another drink, and lets out a long sigh. "Guess a fellow's gotta give up sometime, eh?" He shakes his head and gives a weary laugh. "It shows character to admit when you've been beat, right?"

He glances back over his shoulder to where the balcony was. "Some guys got it... maybe I was wrong to think I was one of them."

Reese's smile is warm and genuine. "Well... looks like we're in the same rusty boat then," he teases. "Just so long as we don't sink."

Hearing the soft music coming from inside, he shifts his position to take Angelica's one hand, then rest his other lightly on her waist. Dancing under the moonlight was something completely unplanned. But it seemed a night where anything could happen. And it had. But it was too deep within his heart for anyone to see... one could only feel. And after years of a lonely coldness, the frozen shell was finally being cracked.

"You're welcome," he finally replies quietly. "Thank you for inviting me."

Morning. The dawn after the night before, bringing on a newness. To some, it's desired. To others, they would have preferred to stay in the comfort of the darkness. But no matter how cloudy the skies, the sun won't wait.

Reese rolls over in the hotel bed and slaps his alarm off. It felt too early to get up. Last night had ended nicely, bidding Angelica farewell after the party. But it had been late, and rising early didn't feel quite as invigorating as intended. He'd promised to meet Angelica for breakfast though, and he wasn't going to skunk her. Not to mention, he had a chance to meet her mother and grandmother... something that seemed a pleasant thought today.

Finally sliding out of bed, he heads for the shower. He'd have to leave with enough time to figure out the directions Angelica had given him last night. Being in unfamiliar territory wasn't something new, but it did feel different when not connected to a case. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been out of town for pleasure.

Carson ties his tennis shoes and yawns, standing up and trudging to the kitchen.

"Morning, sleepy head."

He pries his eyes open further to see the blurry form of his sister at the table. "Hey."

"You're gonna be late."

Carson smirks at her. "Thanks for the reminder." Grabbing a glass of juice, he decides it will have to do for his breakfast.

Dani continues eating her buttered toast. "Have a good time last night?"


"Want a ride to work?"

He shakes his head and puts his now-empty glass in the sink. "Naw. I got enough time to walk it." Without having risen early enough to jog, walking was probably best anyway.

"Alright. See you later, then?"

"Yep." Carson ruffles her hair on his way past, grabbing his denim jacket and his ball cap. "Later." Hitting the outside air, he heads at a brisk walk towards Mom and Pop's. He'd tossed and turned all night, and wasn't near enough awake yet. His time with Misty had felt good, for sure. But it still felt like some storm cloud was hanging overhead. It didn't feel like it would rain yet, but something just still didn't feel right. And unfortunately, he sensed the problem was himself.

Looking up to the sky, he notes the gray clouds. The weather didn't help the mood much. But according to the weather report, it would stay cloudy all day.

"I want you to go over these three cases, and I want you in that upcoming meeting."

Jason lifts an eyebrow as the folders are slapped down on his desk. He looks up at Austin with annoyance. "Well I guess if I have time, I'll see if I can make it."

"You will make it," Austin corrects. "Or would you like another mark on your record."

"Well, the red marks do make for more colorful records," Jason muses. He glances at his watch. "Can't catch me for tardiness today though. I made it with thirty seconds to spare."

Austin's eyes show a glint of authority. "Didn't feel good to get docked pay, did it?"

Jason tries to hide a smile. "Oh, that's not it. It's just that I got a concert tonight, so I wanted to get on out of here early."

"You will work your full day," Austin corrects.

"Actually..." Jason straightens in his chair, his annoyance heightening. "I'll be leaving early. I have to be there early to help set up and we have to be on stage by six."

"I don't care." Austin crosses his arms. "Your job comes first."

"I was allowed the flexibility when I joined JetStream," Jason counters.

"By whom? Reese? I'm in charge now." Austin glares at his grandson. "Leave early, and it's just another mark against you."

Though his anger was boiling, Jason lets out a laugh. "Okay, then boss. Get your marker ready. I was going to invite you tonight, but... I guess you'll be working until closing then, huh?"

Austin grits his teeth, but says no more, simply spinning on his heel to stalk out of the office.

Jason groans and lets his head fall into his arms on his desk, his arrogant facade fading.

Great. By the time this is over, I'm gonna be broke. I don't care what he says. I'm going to be singing tonight. It's the only thing I got left that takes me away from here... away from everything that's holding me down and beating me up.

Straightening, Jason pops another sugar pill into his mouth. He knew at this point, he was once again a walking time bomb. But he needed to at least last through tonight... He just needed to get through this concert, then he could explode and crash.

It's coming, Katie... sorry. Not until another day at least though. Hang in there with me. I'll try to give you fair warning before I let loose on anything.

At least so far he hadn't had a bad spell. He could feel his writhing emotions building to the max, but so far, he'd been safe from flashbacks, and his nightmares had been kept at bay for the most part. Maybe... maybe this thing had evolved past the episodes. He could only hope.

"Kyle?" Phil taps his knuckles on his brother's door. "Kyle... you up?" Still no answer. Phil sighs and finally opens the door, just to find an empty bed. One that once again had not been slept in. Groaning in frustration, Phil heads for the kitchen. A quick phone call to his sister confirmed that Kyle had taken her home last night, but then after that he wasn't accounted for.

Just ready to call Mike, Phil hears the door open and close. "Kyle?"


Phil sets his hands on his hips as he wanders into the other room. "Nice of you to drop by."

Kyle tosses his keys onto the rack, and quirks an eyebrow at Phil's tone. "Um... thanks? Got any hot water left?"

"Yeah, and you're in it."

"Great. Now what did I do?"

Phil's eyes narrow. "Where were you? I've been worried, and so has Jen."

Kyle shrugs. "No where in particular. Look, I gotta go take a shower, then I'm gonna go help Rocky with a few things, then head to Mike's from there to load up right after lunch. What time we gotta be over to the community building?"

"Four o'clock. But I'm not done talking to you." Phil steps in his brother's way. "Where have you been, Kyle?"

"Nowhere!" Kyle throws up his arms.

Phil studies his brother with suspicion. "You look like you ran all the way home. What have you been up to?"

Kyle runs a hand through his sweaty hair. "Well right about now, I'd like to be up to taking a shower, unless you want me smelling like this on stage tonight."


"What?!" Kyle shakes his head and grins. "Would you stop worrying?" He gives a short laugh. "I'm not a little kid, ya know. I am capable of going out and keeping myself occupied."

"Yes, but with what?"

Kyle shoulders past Phil and heads towards the bathroom. "Nothing."

"But..." Phil's shoulders drop as the bathroom door is shut. "But I can't help but be worried about you," he finishes lamely. One second, everything seemed fine, and Kyle seemed to be perfectly normal. And the next, something just seemed very wrong. Which was the truth? Well, for now he'd just have to hope that the first was the truth. So Kyle had a few odd quirks... so what. Today they needed to concentrate on the concert.

Axel wanders into the garage, clocking in and heading to the car he'd been working on yesterday afternoon.

"Hey, Grease!" Leo saunters in, throwing his jacket on a wall hook. "I thought you weren't working today."

"Naw. Gotta put in a couple hours at least."

"Don't you got that concert tonight?"

"Yep. I'm taking off about noon to have a quick session, then load up, and eventually help the other band set up."

"Sounds like fun."

Axel glances at Leo fidgeting with a wrench, and a wry grin spreads. "You, um... gonna come see us?"

Leo's face lights up. "I thought you'd never ask."

Axel rolls his eyes. "It's a community event, Leo. You got three bucks?"

"Yeah - that what it is at the door?"

"Yep. But if you don't, I'll get you in with the band."

Leo shakes his head. "Nah. It's for charity. Besides, I'll have to show up after work. I gotta work a full day."

"Alright. Sounds good." Axel turns back to the engine and rolls up his sleeves. As he does, his right hand starts to tingle. Flexing his fingers, he manages to avoid a bad spell. Hopefully today would be free of any mishaps. The rest of the guys in Cryptic hadn't seen how bad it had gotten, and he'd just as soon keep it that way.

Rick heaves a sigh, leaning on the doorway to the infirmary bathroom. He finally enters, laying a hand on Scott's shoulder. "You alright?"

Scott is sitting on the floor by the toilet, pale and exhausted. Nothing he'd eaten for breakfast had stayed with him. He shakes his head slowly.

Rick wishes he had a cure. But it was so hard, knowing where the lines were between the physical problems and the mental ones. Scott had given breakfast a good try this morning, but it hadn't taken long for him to get sick. Was it something wrong with his stomach? Was there something Rick had missed? Or was it simply the stress and emotional state that Scott was in? He didn't want to put Scott through any more medical tests, but how else would he know? His medical training made him want to do more tests. But his better sense told him that it was indeed an emotional problem, not a physical one. For now, he'd just keep trying.

Getting Scott cleaned up and back in bed, Rick sits beside him thoughtfully. "There's a JetStream concert today..."

Scott keeps his chin rested on his knees. "Yeah... I know."

"You going?"

Scott shakes his head. No... he didn't want to be in a crowd like that.

Rick plays with his clipboard in his hand. "Even with Jason and Katie there to watch your back?"

Scott shakes his head again. Not even with them there. The thought was too terrifying.

"You going to at least get out of the infirmary?" Rick prompts. "I think some fresh air would do you good."

"Katie...she's going to bring one of my.... my cameras." Scott gives a little shrug. He was very tired after a night of tossing and turning. But he did want the distraction.

Rick gives a little smile. "Well that's good. If you want me to take you anywhere, or anything today, you just let me know, okay?"

Scott nods. Once his stomach had settled down, maybe he'd venture out for a short walk... maybe.

Clint stares into space, his hands cupped around his warm coffee mug. His elbows rested on the mess hall table, his eyes tired and bloodshot. The conversations around him were all droning together, none of much interest to him.

Jim leans up against the wall by the kitchen, sipping his own coffee, as his eyes land on his son. He watches him for a moment, wondering about his behavior. It had been like this for the past week. Clint had looked completely worn out, his mood wasn’t the greatest, and he had been much quieter than normal.

Mick nudges his brother with an elbow. “Wake up.”

Jim grins and nods. “I’m awake. Looks like Clint isn’t, though.”

Mick follows his gaze to see his nephew in the corner. “He alright?”

“I don’t know. He hasn’t said much lately. Something’s up though.”

“Why don’t you ask him about it?”

Jim shakes his head. “Naw, I’m liable just to upset him if I do that.”

“I thought things were good between you two.”

“They’re better. But… I wouldn’t want to push it.”

Mick opens his mouth to tell Jim that he’d noticed Clint taking one of the ranch trucks at night lately, but then he decides better of it. Until he had some facts, maybe it was best that he didn’t tell his brother. Perhaps he would confront him himself. He could only hope it didn’t have anything to do with the fellows Clint used to hang out with. That’s all they needed right now was more trouble.

Finally Mick just shrugs. “I’m sure it’s nothing. He’s just got a lot on his mind.”

“This would be true.” Jim lifts his eyebrows as he thinks of Wendy. He sighs and glances to the clock. “Guess I better get to work. I’m helping you with those yearlings today, right?”

Clint finishes off his coffee and leaves his cup on the table, rising to leave. There were two cars in the shop and one they’d promised would be done today. He needed to get to work before he wasted any more time.

Outside, he’s hit with chilly air, but doesn’t zip up his jacket. He needed the cold to wake him up. Yawning, he pops his neck and trudges his route to the shop.

"Hey, Bret!" Kirk greets his old friend warmly with a hearty handshake, a smile spread on his face. "Glad you made it."

"Me too." Bret grins and nods, very glad that he had. Every appointment so far had to be postponed for one reason or another. But today... he had finally made it.


Bret spins around to see his buddy. "Landon!" A hug and handshake follow.

Landon gives him a teasing punch to the shoulder. "Who says anyone can leave the track for good, eh?"

Bret gives him a smirk. "I don't remember saying that."

"Oooh, I do." Landon grins. "Everybody's talked about that one for years."

Bret smacks him upside the head. "Let's not have a repeat, eh?"

"Well don't look at me!" Landon teases. He lets the subject drop though, for Bret's sake. "So Kirk says you're back."

"We'll see." Bret promises nothing. "He just wants to give me a trial run today, and... we'll go from there."

"Good, good." Landon nods with satisfaction. "Not sure you came on a great day though."


Landon thumbs toward the other side of the track where other people were mingling, and other cars were being worked on. "Maria's here."

Bret's jaw tightens. "I didn't think she hung around here anymore."

"Not 'til she hooked up with Pat."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope." Landon shakes his head. "Been about six months."

"Wow... that's a long time."

Landon smirks. "You were the longest. We'll see how this one goes. She might try to get you back when she sees you behind the wheel again."

Bret shakes his head. "Well that will never happen."

"Never know," Landon teases.

"I do." Bret holds up his left hand.

"Dude." Landon's eyebrows raise. "Since when were you tied down again?"

Bret grins. "Since I fell in love."

"Well how long have you been tied down?"

"I haven't been tied down since Maria," Bret corrects. "This time, I'm blissfully married, and it's only been a short time."

"I guess congrats on that one, then. Shoulda brought her down here today so we could meet her."

"Yeah, well... I was going to, but we had a little tiff this morning, so I'm letting things cool off."

"So much for the 'blissfully,'" Landon smirks. "Major?"

Bret rolls his eyes. "Not unless you count arguing over an unpaid gas bill major. Flowers on the way home will be the cure." In reality, he'd woken up a grouch this morning and Charlotte had gotten the brunt of it before she'd left for work. Anything would have made him upset, and he'd regretted their argument as soon as she'd walked out the door. It was the first time he'd yelled at her, and it didn't feel good, especially when he knew that his temper had been a problem for him in the past. Charlotte deserved better. Flowers would be a start... an apology would be next on the list.

Landon gives him a sly glance. "You? Flowers? She must be somethin'. You never took the losing end with Maria."

Bret chuckles. "If being on the losing end is what it takes to keep Charlotte in my life, then so be it. It's a small sacrifice."

"Dude, you got it bad."


Landon laughs. "Well I'm happy for ya. You might wanna steer clear of Maria then."

"Good option. What about you and Amber?"

Landon gives a little shrug, forcing himself to keep his smile even though it wanted to fade. "Broke up about six months ago."


"Yeah, well... it's been alright. I spend most of my time down here, keeping busy. Now I'll have you to keep out of trouble."

"Excuse me," Kirk interrupts. "I don't mean to break up this little reunion, but Bret, if you wanna take a run, I got half an hour left."

Bret's immediately ready. "Lead the way..."

"...How's she feeling, Sterling?"

Brad grins as he takes the car around the track, feeling the curves. "Landon, she's as smooth as butter."

"Good. I worked on her just this morning." Landon speaks into the mic on his headset from the side of the track, along with Kirk as they watched Bret takes several laps around the track.

Kirk shakes his head. "What's the matter, Bret? You look like an old man out there."

Bret's hand grips the gear shift. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really. You wasting my time, or what?"

"Not on your life." The gears shift, the engine revs.

Kirk grins as he sees the car speed up, beginning to fly around the track. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

"Wooee!" Bret heads into the curve with ease, expertly guiding the car.

Landon laughs. "You still got it man. You still got it."

"Just like riding a bicycle." Bret steers the car around the far turn. He was back in his zone, and it felt good.

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