
Free Pizza

Misty heart sinks just a little as Kyle's own words are returned to her. It hurt and no matter what it would always hurt time and time again no matter how many times ones heart would have to go through it.

"We all learn from our mistakes huh? I guess thats the most important thing of all. The saying goes "Its better to have love and lost than to never love at all." Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to just never love. But than I remember that even if I lost some people, I would of missed out on getting to know them and shairing something special."

A small smile plays on Misty's lips as she remembers the good times she has had with a few differnt people including Kyle. Giving a shake of her head Misty isnt sure what alse she should say. Where would things go from here she did not know, how things would end was on the wind and all she could do was blow with it.

Giving a sigh Misty turns and just stands a moment before walking away.

"Your gonna make some girl very happy Kyle Mitts and she is gonna be so lucky. I'll envy her but I'll also he happy for the both of you."

Whiping on last tear from her eye Misty continues to make her way to her car. Sitting for just a moment before driving away.

Standing at the counter Charlotte is lost in thought about differnt things. Starting out the day fighting with Bret had only been the motion that mad the ball roll. The rest of the day hadnt been the greatest eather.

Feeling Bret's arms around her just startles her for a moment but than she relaxes as she is snapped out of her deep thought. Charlotte takes the flowers from Bret a smile spreading across her face. He always new just what to do to make her feel good again.

Looking down at the coin that layed on the counter her grin grows even more as she places the flowers on the counter and turns around to face Bret. Bringing her arms around his neck Charlotte just looks back into his eyes for a moment.

"Of course I forgive you how could I not?"

Bringing her lips to Bret Charotte let her kiss show that she did as well. Bret was the love of her life and she could ask for nothing more. There was no way she could be mad with him forever. Pulling away again she smiles.

"How was everything at the track?"

Just laying on her back in the bed Katie just looks up at the sealing for a long moment listing as Jason makes it into the bathroom. Everything felt so differnt this time and Katie felt so tired. She new that something had happend with Jason and she had put herself on the line for him but what was it? In a horse whisper Katie's voice can be hurd. It hurt to talk but she had to.

"Rick what happened? It was differnt this time."

Though she asked her question to Rick Katie could feel Jason was done in the bathroom she felt ok to talk to him.

It's ok J, really it is. I new the risk when I did it and I would do it again if it ment helping you. Please dont blame youself.

Jason didnt need to say it and Katie already new he would be blaming himself and though she tryed to reasure him it was not it never worked.

Just laying on the bed a while longer Katie is quiet untill Jason comes out of the bathroom. Turning her head she trys to give him her best smile.
Its gonna be ok J.

Hearing Rick's question for a moment Katie is quiet. Sleeping in her own bed sounded gramd right about now but she new if she tryed moving it would only her let alone knowing if her legs could hold her up. If they didnt that would only make Jason feel worse and Katie didnt want that.

"I think for tonight I am going to stay here, if thats ok."

As Carson mess with Jess hair she turns around and gives him a swat to the arm giving a smile and than turns back to Axel.

"Protecting you?"

Looking back to Carson again Jess lips turn into a slight grin.

"I hurd there was going to be free pizza so I followed. Anything after that I am no part of I swair."

Turning back to Joel and the others Jess can't help but laugh herself again. Though the air had been thick before it seemed to be a little bit better now as everyone laughed and smiled. The feeling was nice and Jess liked it.

"You know Joel you say that its over, but something says its FAR from over. The others might life you down but I am not that full of mercy."

Jess cant help the sly grin they cross her face as she looks to Rocky and gives a wink.

Stepping out of the Taxi Angel just stands for a moment looks up at Austins house. She felt tired and sleep was really what she wanted to do, but see Austin was also something she wanted to do. She had gone the whole day with Misty and had seen hide nor hair of him. She even asked Susanne if he was in and she had told her no.

Giving a sigh Angel pays the cab driver and makes her way up to the door. She didnt know if Austin was home but it was worth a try. Giving a knock to the door Angel waits.

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