
Down pour

Accompanying Scott back to her office Hope's smile never fades glad he was going to stay. He'd mad another choise and another step in the right direction. Slowly, very slowly this would all come together and land to the end resalt.

Moving back to her desk Hope sits down and just watches as Scott moves around the office and stays standing. Once again she says nothing about it, letting him feel his own freedom in the room. As he stops and comes to the pictures on her desk once again, Hope is a bit saprised that Scott in fact new the people in the pictures and had taken them himself. Though not letting the saprise on her face show a softer smile seems to make its way through as she thinks about her friends back in Texas.

"Its a small world after all huh?"

Continuing to let Scott speak Hope just listens waiting to talk till she new Scott was done, and once again seeing the ever so smile make its way on Scott's face Hope can feel the slight bit of joy that maybe, maybe this is how she would help Scott thought the one things that seemed to make him smile.

"They are great people indeed. Its not often you find people in this world anymore who wont judge or turn away at the first glance, but Rosetta was the ond people I met who was so differnt. I never really met Mick. Maybe once but I didnt get to know him as well. But Now that Rosetta is married to him I know that me must be just like her."

Thinking for a moment Hope picks up one of the pictures frams for a moment and almost gets lost in thought as she remembers the last time she was at the ranch.

Follow your heart Hope and it will tell you were to go, let the Lord lead you and give you the understanding on all things.

Rosetta's voice could still be hurd as clear as yesterday in her head. How she had loved being at the ranch and listing to Rosetta and the other talk for days. Even if she had kept to herself it was nice to see the smiles.

Turning her attachen back to Scott the smile still ramins on Hope's face processing Scott's words.

"I think that is a very good thing that you are Katie are still friends and she cares for you a great deal. Your a very nice person Scott, and I couldnt understand how anyone would not want to be your friend."

It was the truth that Hope spoke she didnt know Scott all that well yet but from what she could tell he was a great person. Someone worth knowing.

"You say your worthless Scott, but really stop and think. It's might be foggy and it might be hard but just think...if you were worthless would Katie got out of her way to bring you here? Would she bother being you friend still? Everyone back at TJY that are your friends they dont think your worthless. The person who proclame to be you friends are the ones who matter, the ones who still look up to you and care. Everyone alse is just missing out and un important.'

Hope thinks back once again to a time when she felt less than nothing. It was a part of her life it took a long time to get over but over time she did. She could only hope that her words though not much now would help Scott and show him the way back to happyness.

"I want you to do something for me..if you want that is. I'd like you to go out and take some pictures. They dont have to be perfect and they dont have to be the best, but I'd like them to be pictures of how you feel, or maybe even pictures of what the world looks like to you. If you wanna take someone along with you, you can..but when you come to see me again I'd like you to bring them in and maybe we can see through pictures how we can fix somethings."

Looks up at Scott and catching his eye for a moment Hopes gives a small nod.

"And remember Scott...there is always hope. Even in the darkest of courners hope will be there waiting for you."

Falling silent once more Hope lets her statments linger as she keeps the air open so if Scott wanted to talk more he could or if he wanted to make a comment on her idea he was free too.

Finally crashing on the coutch Jess lets out a long sigh as her day is nearly over. It had been one of those days where things are went good, but somethere it just didnt seem all that great. Maybe it was the morning she had that just set the day in a bad motion.

Seeing the flashing message on the masheen Jess leans over pressing the button and than leaning back on the coutch once again. Hearing Axel's message a small smile cant help but makes its way to her face. She was upset still about the whole thing this morning that happend but now it was starting to go away, and just the simply face the Axel had bother to called her at all proved he was diffent.

Picking up the phone and dialing his number Jess waits till he answers.

"So I hurd that the rainbow might need a little bit of rain to shine tomarrow. From what I am told there is going to be a down pour so it might be in luck."

Though she face couldnt be seen a smile made itself known anyways.

Putting a few more things in her bag Angel lets out a small sigh going over everything once again to make sure she wasnt leaving anything behind. She had more than one reason for going to Nevada but now as she rethought it she wondered if it really was a good idea or not. Luke didnt seem like her minded and Angel was sure if he did he would of said something. But the feeling of maybe not sticking her noise where it didnt belong.

Just leaning back on the bed for a moment Angel is hit with a sudden exsaustion. If anything at least she would be able to see some of the research Misty was working on. Though Angel didnt know her all that well she had hurd much about her work and it intreaged her. If anything alse maybe she would leave Nevada with a little more knowlage. She new one thing for certin though she sure would miss Luke while she was gone.

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