
Worth more

Smiling as she pulls into the park Misty just looks at Carson for a moment before getting out of her car. It was oh so good to see him again. Still looking at him even after everything she loved seeing him. Finally getting out of the car Misty slowly makes her way over to Carson a smile still curled on her lips. As Carson goes to take Misty's hand she gives a small step closer to him antisapating it, but than seeing him stop and step back Misty stops herself confused for a moment as the ping returns.

Settaling to walk next to Him Misty keeps her ears open listing to Carson's every word. Some of the stuff was a little shocking to her but she felt good knowing Carson was shairing this with you. Not intaruping Caron not even one time she just listens trying to process everything. Finally when the pause comes Misty takes a seat next to Carson on the bench. Quiet for a moment turning to look at him. Studying him Misty can tell something is differnt, Carson indeed had changed a lot over the last few months. He was almost like a completly differnt person.

"I'm honored you shair this with me Carson. It means a lot knowing a bit of your background a little more. I can see how it would be hard being saseptable to this stuff as a kid and wondering if its right. Its certinly not an excuse but it does explain a few things."

Offering Carson a soft smile Misty trys her best to make him feel comfortable. This had to be hard on him and the emotions pooling behind his eyes was easy to see.

"As for letting me down again...we all have to take chanses in life right...."

Misty moves a little close to Carson and reachs down taking his hand in her running a finger over it softly.

"...and there is just something about you Carson. Your a hott Aussie who lite the fire, and helped me sore."

Looking at Carson Misty searches his face the small sassy grin that was long forgot creeping on her face once again. Being with Carson made Misty feel alive, she liked the feeling, she liked the fire.

Entering the jail Katie follow Wyatt closly. Nothing could explain how upset she was at the moment. How could Ty be so silly to let this happen, he had a good job and things were going well. But once seeing him, and hearing what happend Katie's anger subsided and was directied at a new target her heart softing for Ty.

J...you'd never guess the stunt you grandfather pulled now. He fired Ty because he couldnt read.

Continuing to consintrate Katie nods to Wyatt as he leaves before she turns back to Ty. Silent for a moment and than finally speaking again.

"Ty...you relize your just proving to Austin that you wernt using your head right? You better than this, your smarter than this. So what you have a hard time reading, So Austin is a jerk forget that and forget him. I got saspended because I stood up for what I believed in, that dosnt mean you have to be rash about what you do. You dont belong here Ty and you know it..so stop having a pitty party and stay strong. Dont give up yet, I'm in the same boat with you right now and I am working my tail off to make it all right again."

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