
Trouble again

Letting out a long sigh Jess stands outside the auto shop. Should she really go in? or should she just turn around and go to a differnt auto shop? Turning Jess looks back at her flat tire and shakes her head. This was silly why did she NEED a reason to see her friend? Jess wasnt sure but for some reason she felt like she did.

Finally opening the door Jess steps inside the shop and looks around. She had only been here twice but she could remember the layout with her eyes closed and there was never anyone at the front desk when you needed them.

Steping along side the counter she looks into the back shop giving a small wave to catch someone attachen seeing Axel she only hoped he would be the one to offer help.

"I...uhhh need some help please? I have a flat tire and there is a really strand rattaling sound in the back of my car."

Jess gives a thumb to out front where her car sat a little bit lopsided.

As Misty enters the infermary right as the phone rings she glances to make sure Rick got it. Heading to her desk she makes sure to hang her jacket up and thow her purse into her desk.

Standing once again to head to the breakroom Misty is stoped as Rick informs her of a phone call. Turning back around Misty gives Rick a nod and goes back to her desk picking up the phone.

"This is Misty how can I help you?"

Hearing Carson's voice on the other end Misty can't help but smile thought at the same time she was a bit saprised. It wasnt offten Carson called her let alone in the middle of a work day.

Giving a small laugh as Misty hears Carson trip over his words Misty found it a little cute continuing to listen to him. Though a strange ping hit Misty's heart she wasnt sure what it was. Pushing it aside Misty finally hears silence on the other end of the phone signaling her time to talk.

"I'd love to go to lunch with you."

Though you couldnt see Misty's face a smile was on it and the tone of her voice proved it.

" I can pick you up from work if you like?"

Groan Katie rolls over and picks up her phone. Hearing Wyatt's voice on the other end she sits up in bed rubbing her eyes. Silent for a moment she trys to let what Wyatt said sink in still kind of confused.


Looking at the clock Katie wakes up just a bit more and replays what was said finally getting it to register.

"Wait...what ho...yeah give me about 15 minutes to get ready."

Hanging up the phone Kaite hopes in the shower and gets ready. Throwing on a pare of jeans and a sweater. Keeping her hair down it was a little longer than normal but it was getting cold and it was nice to have something to get her neck and face warmth.

Stepping outside and headin to her car Katie pulls out her phone again and dials Wyatt's number

"Hey Wyatt its Katie...I am on my way where should I meet you?"

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