
"Leave it to me..."

Holding her smile the woman listens to Rick as he speaks. Waiting for him to finish before she says anything more giving a nod.

"I think Miss Garrison is in at the moment, let me see if she has a few moments to spair to talk to with you."

Turning in her chair a little the receptionest goes to a small inter comb and press the button.

"Miss Garrison?"

On the other end a soft soothing voice returns.

"Yes Ms. White?"

"There is a gentilmen out here who said he played phone tag with you this morning and was wondering if you had time to speak with him now?"

"If he can wait like 10 minutes I would be more than happy to speak with him."

The line goes dead and Ms. White turns looking at Rick again.

"If you have the time you can feel free to sit and Miss Garrison will be right with the."

No more than 10 minutes goes by when the side door opens and a small boy maybe about the age of 13 comes out his mother who was also waiting in the office stands greeting them. Following the boy was a woman that stood about 5'6 with a medum build. Her light brown hair hung in ringlits to about shoulder langth, and her dark bown eyes held a certin glow to them. As she smiled her cheek formed into balls adding to her facule features. Dressed in black dress pants and a silk black shirt the gold cross on a chain hung around her neck proving where she faith layed.

Walking over to the mother with the small boy she smile shines bright.

"He's doing very well Ms. West."

"So that means he finally spoke to you?"

Giving a small shake of her head the smile still remains.

"No, but you dont always have to use words to talk to someone."

As the mother looks down at the small boy he lifts his hands moving his fingers and forming the sign that ment "I love you." An instint smile spreads across the mothers face as she looks back up tears in her eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Giving the mother a gentil pat on the shoulder she watches as they leave till finally she moves her attachen to Rick.

Another smile forming she walks over to him exstending her hand.

"You must be Mr. Johnston. I'm Hope Garrison. If you would like we can step into my office and speek more."

Leading the way around the reception desk to the room that layed next to it. The room was fairly worm. On the one end there was a desk that was filled with pictured, and some flowers. Papers sat in nice stacks. Chairs, and coutches where in differnt places along with many plants. Some toys even layed in the far courner for those who were far younger than most. Along with a computer and many shelfs filled with book. More painting lined the walls with the same inicals as before.

The room was not like move office would be this one had more of a feeling of home, more of a comfort to it.

"Please make you self at home. Now tell me about the young man you had mentioned on the phone."

Looking at Wyatt as he speaks Nate can't help but give a small laugh. Leave it to though to, to stir the hornests nest. He new they ment good, and was trying to help there friend but....somewhere Nate wasnt sure if this did more harm than good.

Turning his attachen back to Reese Nate stands a bit taller giving a nod.

"Yeah I'll go with you. Austin might of just fired you, but to me you will always be the boss."

Turning from the door Nate starts to head away.

"Let me grab my jacket and than we can head out."

Continuing out of the office Nate makes his way across the floor passing Laura's desk he stops and takes a few steps back looking over the wall and smiling.

"Her you pretty thing. I am gonna head out of the office for a little bit with Reese but when I get back what about me and you do dinner tonight?!"

The smile on his lips he dosnt even bother to stop as he keeps going to grab his jacket.

As Jess stand at the desk she turns just in time to see Axel leave the building and head to her car. A small smile forms on her face as she turns and heads out again herself. Standing behind Axel for just a few moments watching him Jess finally steps along side the car so she is in view shot of him making sure not to startl him to much.

"Leave it to me to have my car crap out again huh? At least this time I wasnt stuck on the side of the road huh?"

Looking into the car like she was trying to look for something herself Jess feels stupid. She was never good at small talk so she wasnt even sure why she was trying.

"If you need to keep the car all day you can. I dont have to work. Today is my day off."

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