
You don't drool

Carson jumps, not having heard Jess come in, and his eyes widen slightly, though they’re still red and swollen.

He blinks as another tear runs down his face and seems surprised when Jess puts her arm around him.

“Huh? Oh.” He sees the worry on her face and lifts his eyebrows, suddenly realizing what she sees. A strange look passes through his gaze, almost like he’s ready to say something, but then changes his mind.

Swallowing hard, he reaches out to cradle Jess’s face gently. “Sorry, I, uh… guess I’m not much to look at tonight.”

Withdrawing to stare down at his coke for a moment, slowly he just leans over, resting his head on Jess’ shoulder as another tear rolls down his cheek. "Sometimes I wish things weren't so hard, ya know?"

Swiping his eyes with the back of his hand, he pauses, blinking and trying to stop the tears. "It, uh... when... when you do something that you regret... You can't just go back and change it. And... the harder you try to make it right, the worse it gets."

Stopping again, silence rules for several moments before his voice comes back again, softly. “Sorry, Jess. I know you were looking forward to a nice night tonight. And so was I…”

Carson’s voice trails off and it seems like an awfully long pause until he finally lifts his head up. That same strange look passes through his eyes once more, but this time, he can’t hold it inside. But instead of words of sorrow that one would expect, a smile suddenly appears, sheepishly, but it was there.

“…But, I um…” He can’t stop it anymore, and he chokes on a laugh. “I got hot pepper juice in my eyes.”

His head is still on Jess’ shoulder and he looks up at her, just barely inches from her face. Mischief dances in his eyes, as silly as it was, and despite the stinging pain. They water again and he squints, swallowing another laugh. “Hundred dang washings with cold water and I still can’t seem to clean ‘em out.”

Jason doesn't understand where exactly Katie's going, but doesn't question her, and stays put in the infirmary. Once she's gone, he turns to Nate and Rick, unsure where to start.

Rick looks at him with question. "Well, Hotshot? I got part of a short version, but it isn't much."

"Yeah well...I didn't get the full and complete story either." Jason leans back against the wall, crossing his arms. "But does that..." he points to Scott. "...look like someone who was left alone?" He sighs and shakes his head. "Austin and somebody else interrogated him."

Rick nods slowly. "I gathered that."

Jason scoffs. "Yeah. Austin. The great and powerful senior agent of TJY."

"Hey," Rick warns. "Enough sarcasm. You did enough damage."

"He deserved it," Jason scoffs.

"Maybe he did, but the more worked up you are, the harder you're gonna make it on yourself."

"I don't care."

"You and Katie are already facing suspension."

Jason's fist tightens. "Is that what he said?"


"Then so be it." Jason remains cold. "It was worth it."

Rick rolls his eyes. "When Reese gets here tomorrow, we'll discuss this whole thing with him and get it worked out."

"Good luck. Austin is in it with his own father. Something is up and I don't like it one bit."

Rick raises a hand to keep him quiet. "Settle down. Tonight is over. Scott is safe."

Jason isn't happy, but relents to being quiet. He throws Nate a look, wondering what his friend thought of all this, and what side he would be on.

It's only moments though, before Katie is back, and Jason sees she has Domino with her. A small smile creases his lips.

Oh, Katie... you are a hero. How come you always know exactly what to do?

Domino squirms in Katie's arms, looking around at all the faces, and sniffing the air. Giving a little whine, she lets Katie take her to the bed, but just stands on the mattress for a moment, cocking her head and looking at who she is standing next to.

Glancing up at Katie, Domino gives a quiet little woof, then makes he way forward, almost timidly towards Scott's face.

Scott pries his eyes open once more, trying to understand what was going on in the room, and what all the voices meant. Hearing Katie, he's confused, and manages to crane his neck, spotting his dog. For one of the first times since his return, a genuine smile surfaces.

He moves his hand to stroke Domino's head with his bony fingers.

Domino sniffs and jumps a little at his touch, but then suddenly realizes that this really is her master that had been gone for so long. And just as quickly, she starts to wiggle all over. Crawling up closer, she starts to lick Scott's face all over, unwilling to let him out of her sight.

Scott's smile remains and he doesn't push the dog away, but strokes her gently, a faint spark in his eye once more. "Hey you," he whispers.

Domino whines and snuggles closer. After a few minutes of getting all the attention she could from her weak and sleepy master, she finally stops begging for more, and turns around a few times to plop down and curl up right beside him.

Scott's eyes drop shut again, the exhaustion too much to fight anymore, but his hand stays on top of the little friend that had meant so much to him.

Jason can't help but smile as he watches the two interact. Despite Scott's condition, he'd obviously found comfort and pleasure in seeing the little dog.

You're so smart. And I think I'll stick around tonight too. I don't want Austin coming back in here, and... Why would I give up the opportunity to spend my time here with you? It's either that or going home to Trooper, and seeing as though you don't drool, you're it. Not to mention after this, we might not have too many more nights in the infirmary if we get suspended.

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