
To perfect

*Jess watchs Carson for a long moment as his eyes still fill. The more Carson talks about regret the more Jess heart starts to race as fear and worry take over. A million and one things run through Jess mind on what was wrong and could be causing Carson so much pain. As the truth finally comes out Jess cant help but hide her own smile as she playfuly pushes him to the side. A playing tone in her voice.*

"Your a big jerk you know what. I thought something was really wrong."

*Jess can't help but shake her head a little as she lifts Carson's head from her shoulder. Leaning in she gives him a kiss on the lips before pulling away just shaking her head again. Slidding from the booth Jess stands and holds her hand out to Carson.*

"Come on lets go to the kitchen. If we get some break and places it over your eyes it will help. The yeast helps draw out the oils that sting and make your eyes water."

*Katie can't help the smile that spreads across her face as Domino and Scott interacte once again.
Like two best friends that had been long parted the joy of seeing a tiny spark in Scott eye made Katie happy. Domino was not just a dog to Scott, it was his compain his friend.

Because Hero's are smart and I know having your best friend around....

Katie moves her eyes from Scott to Jason as she smiles back at him.

...can really help you when your feeling down.

After a moment Katie turns to Scott again and seeing him asleep once again she gives a small nod and walks over to Jason giving his arm a light squeeze and noding to a few empty chairs on the other side of the room. Sitting down Katie leans back for a moment thinks about a few differnt things.*

"Personaly, if I get suspended I don't really care. I dont feel much like working in a place that calls what they did to Scott justice."

*Giving a small shake of her head Katie trys to get herself in a lighter mood. She didnt want to think about this now. For sure tomarrow there would be much talk of it. Letting a smile come to her face Katies eyes twinkle.

I guess you havnt seem me much when I sleep huh? Sometimes I wake up and think someone threw water on my pillow.*

*Wendy sits alone on her bed holding a small peace of plastic in her hands. A small tear falls from her face as her mind moves a million miles a minute. What was going to happen now? What did this mean? How could she have let this happen. Though she new it was to late now and what was done was done the feeling still sanke in and hit her in the face waking her up to the cold world that layed before her. Was it best to tell someone or keep it to herself? Should she at least tell Clint or would he turn away. Wendy believe that Clint was not like that everything with them was perfect maybe to perfect, but still the feeling the fear lingered. Standing Wendy throws the small item in the trash and turns back around heading for her bed. Throwing back the covers she snuggles under the blankets as more tears come. All she wanted to do was sleep, all she wanted to do was turn back time, but neather of those would come easy tonight.*

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