

Carson is on his way back to Scott when he suddenly feels Misty's touch to his arm. Startled, he stops and turns, just looking down into her eyes. He hadn't planned on being this close, but he didn't back away.

As she takes his hand, he wants to close his fingers around hers, but he resists, not sure what she's doing. But as he feels the coolness of the locket in his palm, he realizes that she's giving it back.

Her voice hits his ears like a soothing song, but her words strike a chord in his heart that he didn't like. He had already made up his mind... he had already decided about this... he had already acted on what he thought she wanted. But that voice... that touch... those eyes... it turned his insides to mush all over again.

Watching Misty walk away and go back to her desk, Carson stands lamely for a moment, forgetting that he was going to retreat. As if shaking himself from a daze, he glances back to the bed where he sees Scott casually watching.

Scott looks up at him with a bit of question, some curiosity, but no nosiness. It wasn't any of his business, but he did know both of these people, and he did wonder what would happen. It was obvious that they both still had feelings for each other, and it confused Scott, how they could continue resisting each other like that. Or rather why they would. But... when a mistake had been made, like Carson did... trust wasn't easily gained back.

He gives Carson a little shrug. He had no advice, nor would he attempt it.

Carson looks down at the locket in his hand, and fingers it for a moment, popping it open to see the picture of a younger Misty. He had always liked that picture. He hadn't known Misty back then, but the photo captured her life... her spark... the youthfulness that existed in her eyes even now.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Carson turns back around. He had come with a purpose. He needed to finish it.

He approaches the desk cautiously, finally standing only a foot or two from Misty again. Looking down at her, he gently reaches out to lay the locket on the desk in front of her. "Sometimes all the memories hold is the realization that the most important thing in the world was lost to one's own foolishness."

Emotions fill Carson's eyes as he speaks, a steadiness regained to his voice, though his dropped shoulders show that his old confidence was not there.

"I can't do it, Misty." He swallows hard. "I just... it hurts too much. All I have are memories of what I lost. And... it's something that I can't ever have back. I can't even be around you... talk to you..."

He hesitates, stuffing his hands back into his jeans pockets. "I didn't just lose my girl... I lost my friend. And there's not even a portion of that that I can gain back. Holding on to the token that was given to me... all it does is remind me what a fool I was. I can't even spend time with you, or get to know you again... and every time I see that locket, it's like being punished all over again. So please..."

His voice is almost a whisper, his eyes locked onto Misty's, staring into her so intensely. "...please don't make me endure that anymore."

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